Amazing News! :D

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Before I tell you my wonderful news, I'd like to say a few things first.

1. HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! :D This is like my favorite month of the year because it's the month to recognize my fellow people in the LGBT+ community. I feel like that's going to raise a lot of questions about me, so let me just tell you, I'm bisexual. I have a preference twords men but gender isn't a really big romance issue for me. I recently came out as bi last December, but that doesn't really matter when.

2. Alright. I live in America but more specifically, the border of Henderson and Las Vegas. Yep, big casinos and everything. We've had a couple of riots down here (or up there depending on where you live) and they're kinda scary. The reason for this isn't the riots though. Black lives matter! I believe that all lives matter and white supremacy needs to end. I want you to know that not all police officers are bad people. My father is apartment of the police force, and he'd never arrest someone for their skin colour or for a minor crime. He'd never shoot or taze someone without good evidence that points against them. A lot of police officers make horrible mistakes, either intentionally, or unintentionally. But not all of them are bad people. I've met a lot of amazing black people over the years who I know would never do anything wrong. BLACK LIVES MATTER AMD NEVER EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES PUT YOUR KNEE ON SOMEONE'S NECK!

3. I just hit Eighty followers! I don't know when, but I did! I've decided that I'll do a Q n A at nintey followers even though my last announcement says 100.  I won't be doing a face reveal any time soon because I know one of my mum's friends are on here and I can't risk it. So at 100 followers, I will paint a canvas that's been sitting in our closet for who knows how long and paint all of your names on it and post a picture of it on here :D I'm so excited! :D

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