Sorry Guys

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Alright so I know I've posted a lot about my personal life on here, but now it's about the book.

I'll have to stop updating for a while (again) but that's only in July. I might get a few more chapters in this month but then there will be no more updates on anything until August.


For the entire month of July I'll be in Nebraska for a huge theater performance. I get to sing, dance, and I have to talk a lot for it. But half of my stuff may be cut out because I have a fried vocal cord. :(

One more thing before I talk about the book again.

I've never been in Nebraska before, and since I'll be there for a month, I'm going to need to pack the necessities. If you live in Nebraska of have been there, can you tell me what kind of clothes I should pack? That would be awesome if you can.


Updates will be slow since we have two new babies now, and I have a crap ton of lines I have to finish memorizing.

I need some ideas for the next chapter because I have absolutely no ideas, and I want to know what you'd all like to see. One thing to take not of is that you won't get Scarf back immediately.

Have a wonderful day and remember to wash your hands!

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