Chapter 11

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God You're Gorgeous


Here's the Spotify Link, y'all, it's not something Lily listens to but I thought it just fit.

You know what to do- copy it, paste it in the google search bar and you got yourselves one hell of a song. It would probably be easier if I told you what song it is, but I won't. :)


Lily's POV

I sat, eating chocolate ice-cream, in front of my TV watching The Kissing Booth. Probably not the best choice, but hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. So I was lonely, oh so alone, during what was supposed to be my date but due to Romeo I cancelled it because 'I wasn't feeling great'. It wasn't a lie, that I told Benjamin, I just didn't tell him what type of hole in my stomach I had.

When Romeo left, he walked away from everything. Everything we had. It's funny how strongly you can feel for someone after barely a week. 

That's how strong we were.

And yet he walked away from it all like it was nothing. Like I was nothing. I'd been feeling like chopped liver lately, having two boys leave my life in the span of a week. Am I not good enough? Am I not good enough, even, for a scummy fuck-boy? And if I'm not? Then what am I then? Will I end up married to some jerky redneck who takes me for granted and stuffs me full of babies but doesn't want them unless they're boys? 

Okay, slow down there.

But if I'm not even enough for a guy who has had more one night stands than days I've lived, then what am I to anybody? 


I sat in 3rd period, a certain boy behind me that I'm trying to ignore. Thank god he made it easy. It seems he was back to his old self; flirting with girls, ignoring the teacher, and all the guys are giving him salty glares. Jealous frauds, that's what they are. 

"Mrs Harrington! If you could stop floating to La La Land and focus on the discussion, that'd be really great!" Ms Sanders looked at me and I nodded, giving her a polite nod in apology. She nodded back and continued talking about Maya Angelou. 

I loved Maya Angelou, I do, it's just emotions are so much stronger than I'd thought they'd be. I mean I've read about it, but I've never believed I would feel it. I thought that my magical dream would never come true. Until now. Until he took my heart and ran away with it, breaking it in the process. 

And I've never loved it so much. 

That's the thing, I guess. You just can't choose who you love. 

I was at my locker when Benjamin approached me. "Lilian, are you alright?" He asked, genuinely worried. Now if Romeo was in his place he probably would've just sat at home with me last night and nurse me back to health because 'a day without you is a day wasted'. (Author: I should quote that XD) 

But why am I thinking about Romeo? "Um, yeah, I guess I was just in some sort of funk. Do you want to go tonight instead?" Benjamin nodded. "Sure. Why not?" I smiled and walked to my next period. 

That night, I was sitting across from the sweetest guy ever, in an ice-cream shop. "So, like, I don't mean to go all grade school on you but like what's your favorite color?" I giggled. "Um, yeah, it's probably yellow. I love yellow. My favorite outfit is this big fluffy yellow sweater that goes good with these shorts I have and of course my yellow converse." I stuck my shoe out side of the table so it was in the isle. He laughed. "I have to say, mines probably purple." I laughed. "Don't judge me! Think of me as the new Prince, instead." This caused me to roll into another fit of laughter. "Sure thing!" 

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