Chapter 13

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Dedicated to 

A Lifetime to Die

Romeo's POV

Talk to the heartbroken ones.

They will teach you,
What is real, how to live alone

How to finish

And how to start all over again

Sahil Verma 

These were the words I found on my doorstep Monday morning.

Nothing haunts us like the things we don't say

I found this on my doorstep on Tuesday morning. 

It is better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are not.

Andre Gide

Yup, you guessed it, on my porch Wednesday morning. 

"That always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people want to be around someone because they're pretty. It's like picking your breakfast cereals based on color instead of taste." 

John Green


the tired sunset and the tired 
it takes a lifetime to die and
no time at 

Friday. What the actual fuck. 

I laid in my bed on Saturday and just stared at the notes that were now scattered all over my floor. I had kept them, I was trying to decipher them. What did I do to deserve this? Okay. On Sunday, I was hanging out with the boys, aka Austin, Liam and Mike. Okay?? Why would that cause the Monday note?? Talk to the heartbroken ones??

On Monday, which would be the cause for the Tuesday note if I had a stalker, I was going to talk to Lily but decided against it. I was probably feet from her before I turned around, feeling like an idiot. 

On Tuesday, I went to a gang meeting... or at least that's the only eventful thing that ever happened on Tuesday. 

On Wednesday, I was talking to Ashley Thompson. Ashley Thompson, the slut. She was never as beautiful as Lily, although every guy in the school thought she was the best thing since sliced bread. 

On Thursday, I was miserable. Completely miserable. I regretted yelling at Lily, I regretted being born, I was a mess. And this morning, I got this. 

The most
beautiful part is, 
I wasn't even looking
when I found you.


This one hit me right in the heart. Nothing really happened on Friday, that was the freaky part. I don't even know what happened significantly on Friday. I just stared at the notes for probably hours. "Romeo," a harsh, rough voice bashed my door open and growled at me. "Some sluts at the door." I groaned. Ashley been coming to my house ever since I started talking to her on Wednesday. "I'll be down there!" I shouted to my dad who informed me. 

I started walking down the stairs. "Ashley, I swear to god-" I stopped mid sentence when I saw the temptress at the door. It wasn't Ashley. Ashley had long deep brown locks that curved at the end so the ends were facing towards the sky. She had milky white skin, blue eyes and her face was free of any dents or blemishes or acne. This girl however, had light brown hair in a messy, shoulder-length bob, brown eyes that reminded me of milk chocolate and dimples that showed whenever she smiled. She was wearing a yellow baggy sweater and black spandex shorts. She had yellow converse and her gaze was tracing the floor. I knew from experience that she had a few blackheads on her nose and forehead but she was flawless nonetheless. 


The name came effortless and rolled off my tongue. It came so easily that I was kind of worried about the true affect she had on me. Already. I had known her for, what, 3 weeks? Not even a month. And already, I was so desperately in love that anything about her lit a spark in me, a hidden switch that no one had the intensity or gut to switch. They tried. They really have. But this girl did it without even trying. It was like she was made to push my buttons, to stretch my limits. 

And I didn't know how far she would take me. 

Upon hearing her name she looked up at me and I knew I was done for. The regret and sincerity in her eyes almost had me on my knees in an instant. "Lily," I said again breathlessly, and she smiled the tiniest smile when I said her name again. Then Grey came out of the shadows and leaned against the door frame. She averted her gaze back to the floor and Grey had to basically shove her in my house. 

My house wasn't bad. You'd think there would be wallpaper peeling, rotten food in the fridge and beer bottles strewn in every nook and cranny, but my mother had an OCD. The wallpaper had actually just been replaced, the beer bottles were in the recycling and there were only probably around 3 or 5, and mother had just gone shopping. 

"Welcome." I said, a smirk making it's way onto  my face. "Have you been getting her notes?" Grey asked, speaking for Lily, it seemed. I gaped at the girl that was still tracing all of the fuzz in the carpet of the living room. "That was you?" I asked incredulously. She looked up and nodded. "She's been trying to get your attention." Grey said, hugging Lily to his side. I glared at him and he immediately let go of her. "Could we talk about this in my room?" I squatted down so I was probably a little lower than Lily but she had to look at me now. I asked her softly, making sure she heard me and that she knows I have no intention of yelling at her again. She nodded and let me lead her to my bedroom. I gave Grey a look so he knows not to follow. 

Once we were in my room, I gestured her to sit on my bed and she did. She still hadn't looked me in the eye and now her eyes widened as she looked at her notes scattered across my bedroom floor. 

"Now, what is it with the notes, honey?" 

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