Chapter 6

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Tony's pov...

His eyes land on mine.

His smile doubles and his cheeks turn bright red,

"Tony!" Nick yells, lightly pushing Chase out of the way and sprinting towards me, I open my arms and crouch down just a little bit. He jumps into my arms, wrapping his arms around my neck, I pick him up and spin him around making him squeal.

"Hi Nick." I breath in his ear, feeling him tense up for a second before relaxing again in my hold.

"Hi." Nick sighs resting his head on my shoulder, I lightly put him down and unwrap my arms from his waist, hearing a whine in protest from the blonde.

"I guess you couldn't knock me over, huh?" I smirk down at him, seeing him pout. I have to contain my 'aw' from his adorable face. A click can be heard throughout the room, making Nick and I turn to look at everyone else watching us. Nick's cheeks flush red, making me glare at them to mind their own business.

Everyone turns away, walking back into the living room or to their bedrooms, except Ondreaz and Thomas.

"You guys are so cute!" Ondreaz squeaks making my cheeks heat up with embarrassment. "I even got a video of you two meeting!"

"You do?" Both Nick and I say at the same time, breaking down into giggles when we look at each other. "Send it to me."

"Of course." Ondreaz smirks pulling his phone out and sending the video to me. "So when are you guys gonna get married?"

"Ondreaz!" I yell giving him a death glare.

"What!?" Ondreaz shouts back, before yelping from Thomas throwing him over his shoulder.

"Sorry, I'll take your brother away now so you guys can have privacy." Thomas states, smiling at both of us before walking off with a protesting Ondreaz.

A shove from my left arm makes me trip over my feet and almost fall down, I get balance again and look up to see Nick frowning.

"So close." Nick sighs shaking his head, but stops seeing my glare.

"That was not a hug, you shoved me."

"But you almost fell over, then I would've proved that you would fall over when I came over."

"Oh my god, what did you just say?" I question from his nonsense sentence, making him giggle.

"See, I say weird things when I'm nervous!" Nick yells out, putting his hands in the air and giving me an award winning smile.

"Why are you nervous Nick?" I ask stepping closer to be in front of him, peering down at the shorter boy.

"U-um, new people?" He asks it more as a question, but I let it slid and move the conversation else where.

"Do you wanna go make Tik Toks?" I question seeing his eyes light up with joy. His head bobs up and down rapidly, pulling out his phone and clicking on the app. "We should go to my room."

"Okay, can I have a piggy back ride?" Nick asks with gleaming eyes, sticking his hands out and making grabby hands.

"Sure." I smile lightly, turning and crouching down for him to jump on my back. I feel the weight from Nick jumping on my back and I use that movement to sprint upstairs, hearing Nick scream quietly holding on tighter.

I get to my room, lightly kicking my door open with my foot and walk in, placing Nick on my bed. He flips his phone up to his face and clicks the 'make Tik Tok' button.

"You ready to dance?" I ask, slightly fixing my hair in the mirror and turning around to look at Nick.

"Ya, but I'm not the best dancer." Nick states, placing his phone on the tripod and turning on the light ring that I have in my room.

Heartbeat {Tonick}  🚁x🧸 (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now