Chapter 9

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Nick's pov...

Looking in the mirror at my baby blue sweater and black ripped jeans, I sigh shaking my head and walking into my bathroom.

"Niccckkk!" Avani's sing song voice is heard throughout my room, making me laugh lightly. I see her head peek through the bathroom door before her body appears and she walks beside me, putting her hand on my shoulder. "You look so good Nick, stop worrying, he's gonna feel the same."

"I'm just really scared, you should feel my hands." I say placing my palms up, facing her with my hands. She cautiously places her hand on mine and pulls back with disgust, wiping her hand on my sweater.

"You should wash your hands a couple of times, why're they so sweaty!" Avani asks shaking her head at my smirking face.

"Because I'm nervous! It's already 12:30." I sigh before my eyes widen and I look at Avani with fear. "It's 12:30!"

I sprint past her, hearing her evil laugh from behind me, as I'm trying to find my wallet and keys. I find them and say a quick 'Bye!' to Avani before driving to Mini's.

I make it there just before 1 and find a seat near the back looking out a window. I get nervous again and start to sweat, my leg bouncing up and down at a fast pace. I feel a hand on my shoulder, making me almost jump out of my seat from fright, a chuckle is heard before Tony sits down in the seat across from me.

"Sorry I scared you, but hi!" Tony smiles, making me relax unlike a second ago, I smile back placing the menu on the table again.

"Hi! How are you?" I question wanting to be nice before my rambling begins, and him storming out with disgust, hopefully that won't happen.

"I'm good, but you said you had something to tell me, and I've kinda been stressing about what it's about. Did I do something wrong? I'm really sorry if I did." Tony sighs looking down at the table with a frown.

I frown, now knowing that he's probably been stressing since yesterday. I place my hand on the table and gesture for Tony to put his hand in mine, he slowly lifts his hand to be above mine and I squeeze his hand lightly.

"Tony you did nothing wrong it's just I wanna tell you something about me, and I haven't told a lot of people, so I'm really nervous." I say making Tony let a breath of relief out, smiling up at me and squeezing my hand back.

"You can tell me anything Nick, I'll never judge you or make fun of you." Tony reassures making me giggle and place my hand under my chin to support my head, the other one still holding Tony's hand.

"Okay, I'll understand if you don't wanna be my friend after this, but I'm g-gay." I stutter out, slipping my hand out of his hold and into my lap, looking down at the table. Tears slip out of my eyes onto my hands when I see Tony stand up from the table, he walks past me and out of my view, but I don't see his face due to me looking down.

A quiet sob leaves my mouth before warm arms wrap around my shoulders and a head resting on my head.

"Nick I support you fully, not to ruin your announcement but I'm Bi." Tony says with tears in his eyes when I turn around in my chair.

"Oh my god, it's just like yesterday." I laugh through my eyes making Tony very confused and give me a strange look. "I'll tell you later."

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