Chapter 10

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Tony's pov...

Once 10 o'clock at night came around, the Hype House wanted to do a challenge, handcuffed for 24 hours with your partner. Nick and his friends are here so I hope I get picked to get handcuffed with Nick, I mean spending 24 hours with my soon to be boyfriend, ya, that sounds fine.

"Okay everyone! Come sit down and we'll see who the lucky people are to win 300 bucks." Thomas says, pulling the hat up to his chest and rummaging around. Everyone's on the edge of their seats waiting for who it's gonna be, Thomas pulls the first name out and opens it.


Everyone looks over at him, making him blush and smile nervously. Thomas clears his throat and Ondreaz whispers something in his ear, he looks down at my brother with a smirk and reaches back into the hat.

"Tony!" Thomas calls making me jump with joy on the inside, I just smile and look over at Nick to see him looking right back. "So we'll put the handcuffs on you at 9 am sharp tomorrow and the challenge will start!"

"Okay, well I'm gonna go to bed early because I know for a fact we're gonna stay up late tomorrow, night guys." I sigh, starting to walk upstairs, Nick running after me. We make it to the top of the stairs and I pull him into a kiss.

"Could I sleep in your room again?" Nick asks making me nod my head.

"Of course, you excited for tomorrow?" I ask leading him into my room and onto my bed, I lock the door and walk into my bathroom, listening to Nicks reply.

"I mean, I get to spend 24 hours with my crush." Nick says, I laugh and come back out once I'm done my night routine.

"I'm excited too." I state walking over to my closet and pulling out a hoodie for Nick to wear. "Here wanna wear one of my hoodies to sleep in?"

Nick's eyes light up and he jumps up, snatching the hoodie from my hold.

"Yes! I mean ya sure, whatever." Nick mumbles the last part with a red face. I just laugh and take off my shirt and pants, I look over and Nick's staring at me, but looks away when I've caught him.

I get in bed looking through my phone until Nick's dressed in only my hoodie and his boxers, I smile up from my phone and I take a picture, making him blush harder and give me a fake angry look.

"You look so cute." I coo, once he's crawled to lay beside me under the covers, the hoodie going down to the middle of his thighs.

"T-thanks, goodnight Tony." Nick smiles, placing his hand on my chest.

"Goodnight Nicky." I whisper, placing my hand on his waist and pulling him closer.


"Wake up bitches! It's time for the challenge to begin!" Ondreaz shouts, jumping up and down on my bed with Thomas and Alex standing at the door. Thomas was just smiling at Ondreaz' actions making me smile knowing he had a crush on my brother, and vice visa.

Nick groans, shifting his head into my neck and letting out a sigh, I laugh pushing Ondreaz with my foot making him almost fall off the bed.

"Get up, its 8:50 don't wanna be late!" Ondreaz says, skipping out of the room pulling Thomas after him. Alex holds up the handcuffs, jiggling them around with an evil smile, before walking out too. I get up slowly hearing Nick's complaints, he's still wrapped around my shoulders so he sits up to, with his head on my shoulder.

"It's time to get up Nicky, we have a long day ahead of us." I gently whisper in his ear, picking him up off the bed and into the bathroom. I kiss his head and set him down on the counter, he leans back with his eyes still closed and crosses his arms over his chest. I laugh, picking my toothbrush up and doing my teeth and the rest of my morning routine.

I place my hand on Nick's side, squeezing it lightly, making him bolt awake. His scared eyes land on mine and he sticks his bottom lip out in a pout.

"Why did you wake me?" Nick whines, rubbing his tired eyes with his hands and slowly sliding off the counter.

"Because we have stuff to do, I'll let you get ready in here and I'm gonna go get changed." I state, walking out of the bathroom door, closing it lightly and walking to my closet. I pick my clothes and wait for Nick to exit the bathroom so we can go downstairs, he's already dressed in some clothes he brought yesterday.

I grab his hand and head downstairs into the living room, I let his hand go once we got to the living room sitting on a couch beside Ryland.

"Are you guys ready?" Thomas claps making everyone look up at him, Alex whips his camera out starting to record for the day. I just nod, walking over to Thomas, Nick doing the same and placing his wrist out, waiting for our hands to be cuffed together for the day. The satisfying click can be heard and Nick looks over at me with a smile, holding our cuffed hands up for the camera to see.

"This will be easy money." Nick states, giving Alex a grin and looking back over at me. "Can we go to the kitchen, I'm hungry."

I nod, letting Nick lead the way into the kitchen, he grabs two bowls and spoons and places them on the counter.

"Cereal okay?" Nick asks, bringing me over to the cupboard and reaching for the cereal.

"Ya, that's fine, but what do you wanna do today?" I question, now leading Nick over to the fridge for the milk.

"Um I don't know, we can watch movies or make Tik Toks." Nick shrugs pouring both our cereal and milk.

"Let's do both." I state, saying 'Thanks' once Nick handed me the bowl. We walk over to the dinning room table and take a seat, eating in silence until we're finished.


Bouncing on the trampoline over and over again I feel the wind blow through my hair. Nick screams when Ondreaz double bounces us, making us float high in the air before we land back down. Nick slips and brings me down with him due to the handcuffs, I land on his chest with a thud and Nick starts to laugh.

"You're so heavy, get off!" Nick squeals, pushing at my shoulders, trying to get me off his legs. I chuckle slipping my hands to the sides of his body and pushing up, my body hovering over his now. Nick's mouth is gaped open slightly and he flicks his gaze down to my lips then back up, I smirk before lifting Nick and I off the trampoline ground.

"Sorry." I smile, looking down at Nick then at Ondreaz. "We should probably go inside, it's already 9PM."

"Can we watch the sunset first?" Nick asks, giving me puppy dog eyes. I nod walking to the side of the trampoline, sliding down with Nick right behind me. "Careful, you know I'm attached to you still."

I laugh saying a quick "Sorry" before walking inside and sprinting up the stairs to the balcony. We make it outside again with a panting Nick behind me.

"Why did you have to run?" Nick sighs, putting his hand on his knee to stabilize himself.

"Sorry again." I chuckle, bringing Nick into a quick kiss so no one can see. I look off the balcony, pointing at the setting sun, I hear a quiet gasp.

"I need pictures!" Nick squeals, yanking his phone out of his pocket and towards the sky.

We spend the next half hour looking at nature and all the beautiful features, including Nick. I sigh looking down at my hand that's not connected to Nicks and look over at him. He looks at me with worry and interlocks our hands together, brushing his thumb up and down my knuckles.

"What's wrong?"

"Um, well I wanna ask you something and I'm a little bit nervous." I say, looking into Nicks eyes then to the night sky.

"What ever you're gonna say, I'm sure I won't judge or be rude about it." Nick giggles, placing his head on my arm, not being able to reach my shoulder from the height difference.

"Okay." I clear my throat and face Nick. "Do you wanna go on a date with me?"

I close my eyes and look down at my feet not wanting to see his face. I hear him giggle and I look back up to see Nicks blushing face.

"Of course!" Nick squeaks, wrapping his arm around my waist to hug me, his other hand still holding mine. I sigh with relief and hug him back, I can't wait!

(1501 words)

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