Chapter 7

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Tony's pov...

After a long day of us just doing nothing it was time for the movie night, the Sway boys left already and Connor, Kouvr, and Alex already went to bed, so we have enough space for everyone to sit down.

I flop down on the love sack, Nick following in suit landing right beside me, I smile over at him and wrap my arm around his shoulders letting his head rest on my shoulder. Ondreaz and Thomas take the other love sack, Ryland and Chase take a couch, and all the girls huddle together on the other one.

"So what movie do we want to watch?" Thomas speaks up once everyone was comfortable and ready to watch a movie.

"Can we watch a horror movie?" Charli questions, getting 'ya's' and 'let's do that's' throughout the room. I feel Nick tense up in my arms and I look down to see his scared face.

"Nick you're gonna be okay, I'm here to protect you, nothing bad is gonna happen." I whisper in his ear making him let out a shaky breath and turn to face me.

"B-but I hate horror movies."

"I can tell them we have to watch something else or we can go watch a movie in my room." I offer, pulling Nick closer to my body.

"No, I can watch the horror movie, I just need to face my fear once and for all." Nick states looking over at Charli and suggesting a movie. "We should watch The Nun."

"Oh ya! Good thinking Nick!" Charli gasps, picking up the remote and searching the movie, "Is everyone okay with the movie pick?" Charli questions looking around the room, everyone nodding their heads 'yes'.

Charli clicks play and the movies begun, I begin to get cold so I turn towards Nick and whisper in his ear,

"I'm gonna go get us a blanket, do you want some water?"

"I can get the water, you grab the blanket." Nick says, making us both sneak out of the room to grab what we need.

I come back to see Nick still gone so I just sit down carefully with the blanket over my lap. Soon Nick walks back in with two glasses and hands one to me.

"Thanks." I whisper, putting the glass of water down on the ground, Nick doing the same. I open my arms and Nick falls onto my body with a thud, he starts giggling when he sees my hurt face.

"Sorry." He giggles, moving to be by my side and let his head rest on my shoulder again, I just shake my head and flip the blanket over his body.

Sometime later the movie finally gets scary and Nick is a whimpering and shaking mess beside me, I snake my arm around his waist and pull him to look at me.

"We can leave if you want." I whisper gently so he's not freaked out more, he shakes his head 'no' and turns back to the movie. I turn my head to look at the girls and only their heads are peeking out of the pile of blankets, some of their faces looking shocked or frightened. "You're not the only one scared, are you sure you don't want to leave?"

"Tony shut up, we're trying to watch a movie." Ondreaz whisper shouts making me mad that he's interrupting, I guess Nick sees the anger on my face and places his hand on my cheek, making me look back at him.

"Tony, I'm fine, remember you can protect me, let's just watch the movie." Nick says with pleading eyes making me nod my head and move Nick closer to my body.


By the end of the movie Nick has fallen asleep, with his head on my chest and arms wrapped around my waist.

"I guess we should go, it's pretty late." Avani yawns making the girls whine with complaints. I hold Nick tighter not wanting him to leave and nuzzle my face into his neck.

"I don't think Tony's gonna let you guys go." Chase points out making Avani give him a confused look.

"Why?" Avani questions turning her head to face me and Nick. "Awwww." She squeals making me groan into Nicks neck, I feel his grip tighten around my waist before letting go again.

"Is it okay if we stay the night Thomas?" Ryland asks looking over at the other love sack.

"Ya, you guys can stay however long you want." Ondreaz speaks up due to Thomas falling asleep awhile ago.

"Nice, Chase move." Ryland says, lightly kick Chase in the leg, he groans and stands up letting Ryland stretch out and fall asleep on the couch.

I start to get up slowly from the love sack and stretch my arms and back, hearing a satisfying crack. The girls start packing up their stuff and make their way upstairs to their rooms, Dixie, Addison, Charli, and Avani going in to Addison's room to do god knows what's.

I pick Nick up bridal style and start to walk upstairs with Ondreaz following behind me with a sleepy Thomas.

"Night bro." I say turning around to see Ondreaz.

"Night." Ondreaz smiles, walking Thomas to his bedroom, then into his own to go to bed.

I walk into my room and put Nick lightly on my bed, covering him up with blankets, then I walk into my bathroom and do my nighttime routine. I slip in bed beside Nick and get comfortable pulling the blankets just above my hips. I guess I'm a magnet because Nick slinks back into my side and rests his head on my naked chest.


"Tony, Tony, Tony." I hear someone whisper in my ear over and over again. I grunt and slowly open my eyes to see Nick kneeling beside me on the bed. "Finally!"

"What time is it?" I ask looking around the room groggily.

"It's twelve." Nick sighs looking at the clock, "I've been trying to wake you up for the last ten minutes!" Nick shrieks, throwing his hands up in the air.

I chuckle starting to grab a Nicks waist and pull him closer, but he slaps my hands away.

"I just woke you up, I'm not letting you sleep again, it's time to get up." Nick states, moving off the bed and into my bathroom.

"What are you doing?" I question, stretching my arms and getting out of bed.

"Getting ready."


"Ya, ready to leave, I wanted to say bye before I left."

"What? Why do you have to go?" I whine, walking into the bathroom, seeing Nick fixing his hair.

"Because me and Avani have stuff to do today, and I have no clothes here." Nick says, turning around to face me.

I whine stepping closer to him, "do you have to?"

"Yes, I have to leave." Nick says softly, his eyes softening and bringing his arms out for a hug. My eyes light up slightly and I walk into his hold, sinking my head to rest on top of his.

We pull away and walk out of my room downstairs seeing an impatient Avani tapping her foot near the front door. She spots us, narrowing her eyes on Nick, before rolling them.

"Finally! I've been waiting here for fifteen minutes, Ryland's already in the car, we gotta go, hurry up!" Avani shouts, opening the front door and pointing her finger out the door.

"Bye Tony." Nick says, facing me with some fear in his eyes. I laugh pulling him in for another hug and pulling away to look into his eyes.

"Bye Nick." I smile, leaning back and untangling my arms from his body. "Bye Avani!"

"Bye." She smiles, looking at Nick before walking out of the door.

"Okay, I really gotta go now, so bye." Nicks smiles, quickly leaning in and kissing my cheek, before running out of the front door, hearing the door slam shut.

I'm stuck in the same spot for five minutes just smiling at the door, and bringing my hand up to my cheek that he kissed. Ondreaz walks through the living room spotting me, opening his mouth and closing it right after.

"I'm not even gonna ask." Ondreaz sighs, shaking his head and moving past me up the stairs.

(1383 words)

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