Chapter 8

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Nick's pov...
(Didn't know it did that)

Oh my god, I kissed Tony, on the cheek, but still! I don't know what took over me! I just felt confident and went for it!

"You good there Nick?" Ryland asks, turning around in the passenger seat to look at my shocked face.

"No, I mean Yes! I don't know." I sigh, putting my face in my hands, letting my features relax.

"What happened? Did Tony do something! I'll beat his ass, don't worry." Avani speaks up from the drivers seat, turning around to face me for a split second because we're at a red light.

"First, Nothing bad happened, second you're not gonna fight Tony, he would take you out in a second." I laugh seeing her shocked face from the rear view mirror. I let a shaky breath escape my mouth, getting concerned looks from my best friends.

"Then what's wrong Nick?" Ryland says giving me a small smile.

"I kissed Tony, BUT it was only on the cheek before you freak out, talking about you Avani."

"Well that's rude and what was his reaction!? And why are you telling me this while I'm driving!" Avani yells, pulling off onto a dead end road, parking the car and getting out. Opening the back door and sliding in beside me, Ryland doing the same so I'm in the middle.

"That's the thing, I kinda, maybe, definitely, ran off before he could say anything." I sheepishly reply, looking at my interlocked hands in my lap.

"You're so stupid." Avani shakes her head before holding out her hand. "Give me your phone."


Avani glares at me, making me roll my eyes and hand over my phone, seeing her tap in my password and step out of the car, closing the door in my face.

"You are stupid. You know what she's doing right?" Ryland says making me glare at him before shaking my head 'no'. "She's texting Tony, stupid."

My eyes widen before I'm scrambling out of the car, running over to Avani and snatching my phone from her grasp. I hear her giggle making me stare daggers at her.

"Why were you gonna text Tony!?"

"Because you obviously like each other, and I wasn't 'gonna' text him, I already did." Avani smirks, making me gasp and look down at my phone. The text was sent and seen by him, making me shriek with fear.

'Hi Tony! Could we meet up tomorrow? I have something to tell you' Seen

'We could meet up at Mini's for brunch, around 1?' Seen

'Sure! Is everything okay?'

'Ya everything's fine, I just have something really important to tell you, but I have to tell you in person' Seen

'Okay, see you tomorrow Nicky'

'Byeeee' Seen

"Oh my god, what have you done! I don't have anything important to say to him, why did you say that!" I shout at Avani making her roll her eyes and stare at me like I was dumb.

"Um I don't know, 'Tony I've liked you since I first saw you on Tik Tok, and I have the biggest crush on you.'" Avani pats my shoulder before walking to the car and hopping in.

"I'm not done talking with you! Come back here!" I yell, spinning around and getting in the passenger side, leaving Ryland to stay in the backseat. "How could you!"

"You were never gonna tell him your feelings, so I helped you out a little bit." Avani states, starting the car and turning back onto the main road, driving to our house.

"But what if he rejects me, this is why I don't tell people my feelings, they will reject me!" I shout feeling tears come to my eyes, I don't wanna lose Tony to my stupid feelings.

"Nick stop thinking like that, you are an amazing and pretty boy, if Tony rejects you then it's his loss, and you don't know if people will reject you if you don't try. People would kill to be your boyfriend, and anyone that's gonna take your heart is gonna be the luckiest person alive." Avani states, tearing up as well. We look at each other before we break down into tears, we start laughing through the chaos and can't stop. Ryland joined our crying fest and I look behind me to see his tear stained cheeks.

"Why are you crying?" I laugh, wiping the stray tears away from my eyes.

"Because you guys were, it was only fair." After Ryland says that we break into laughter again and can't stop till Avani pulls into out driveway. We all get out and close our doors, Ryland sprints past me into the house leaving me and Avani to walk, like normal humans to the front door.

"Thanks for saying that Avani, it means a lot to me." I smile, linking my hand with hers, "and I have something else to tell you."

"What is it bb?" Avani ask turning to face me right before we open the door.

"I don't think I'm bisexual, I think I'm gay."

She just smiles and envelops me in a hug, "Thanks for telling me Nick, I support you fully."

"Thank you Avani."

"No problem, now go get your cute butt dressed or we're gonna miss the photo shoot." Avani scolds opening the door and pointing inside. "I'm gonna blame it on you if we miss the sun, you were with Tony to long."

"Oops." I giggle running inside before Avani can slap my arm, sprinting to my room and getting ready for the day.

(931 words)

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