Chapter 11

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Nick's pov...

The challenge went by faster then we thought and we were already being uncuffed in the living room. I pull my wrist away from the handcuffs, rubbing at the red ring that's imprinted into my skin from the handcuffs. Tony does the same before looking over at Alex with a frown,

"Why did they have to be so tight?" Tony questions, shaking his head and looking down at his wrist then mine, his scowl deepens upon seeing it.

Alex just shrugs before jogging upstairs to probably edit the video, leaving Tony and I alone in the open space. I pull my phone out and click on Tik Tok wanting to make some videos for the next couple of days, I look at Tony and show him the app with a questioning look. He nods and walks to get a tripod and some shoes.

"Wanna make them outside? It's nice out." Tony asks heading to the front door with a light smile. I smile back, running to get my shoes and follow him outside. Tony picks my phone out of my hand and sets it up on the tripod, grinning back at me before hitting the timer. We only have three seconds and I panic not knowing what sound he picked, but once it started playing I knew instantly.

I grin over at Tony and we start moving our feet before thrusting forward, repeating the same movements on the other side. I don't really think and I jump on his back right before the video ends, I hear a grunt and Tony moving forward, almost dropping me and face planting into the ground, I giggle tightening my arms around his neck.

"Warn me next time, how bout?" Tony huffs, clutching my thighs and walking over to my phone. I slowly slide off his back and pick up my phone, watching the crazy video with a grin. "Hah, your face at the end."

"Oh shut up, yours is no better." I laugh back, slapping his arm playfully with a glare. He just grins peaking my cheek with his lips quickly, my face flushes pink and I look back down at my phone, hitting 'draft' to save the video we created.

"So, about the date." Tony grins, interlocking his hands together and looking at me. I drop my arms to the sides of my body, shutting off my phone and placing it into my pocket.

"Ya, w-what about it?" I stutter nervously, looking down at my twiddling thumbs then back up to his brown orbs.

"Can I take you out this Friday? It's a pretty early time too, around 11 in the morning." Tony asks, looking at my shaky hands and reaching out to hold them lightly.

"Wow that is early, but I'll go, only for you." I giggle, stepping a little bit closer and looking up at him.

"Great, I have an outfit planned for you, you gotta promise you'll wear it though."

"An outfit, what kinda date is this? Usual I dress myself for dates." I laugh seeing Tony hold out his pinky.

"Just trust me, I can't tell you now, but I think you'll like it." Tony beams, shaking his pinky finger for me to grab onto. "Just promise that you'll wear it, please."

I groan, extending my pinky finger out, locking our hands together in a pinky promise.

"I don't even know what the outfit is and I'm agreeing to it. I think you have me under some kind of spell." I state, dropping my hand back down and grinning up at Tony. He just grins right back, shrugging like it's nothing. He picks up the tripod and starts walking inside with me following behind.


The next couple of days dragged by slowly. I feel like I'm frozen in time and I can't do anything about it. Tony and I just got done FaceTiming each other and I feel the frown creeping onto my face again, this boy is really messing with my feelings. Friday can't seem to come fast enough and it's killing me, it's only Wednesday and Tony told me when the date was on Sunday, it's only been three days.

My attention is averted from my floor over to a smiling Avani that jumped on my bed. I smile back, scooting to rest my head on her shoulder, her head resting on top of mine.

"How you doing bb?" Avani questions, probably seeing my frown earlier.

"Friday can't seem to come fast enough." I groan out, Avani' acrylic nails raking through my hair lightly.

"Don't worry, it'll be worth the wait!" Avani squeals, dragging her nails down my shoulder to my back, scratching my top.

"Wait, do you know what Tony's planning?" I ask, lifting my head off her shoulder to squint at her with a suspicious look. She just giggles, giving me a shrug and a wink. "You're such a trader."

"Well he needed my help for something, you don't want your date to go wrong do you?" Avani questions, making me shake my head 'no'. "Good, now I'm bored and wanna do something. So I have the perfect idea!"

I tilt my head with a confused look, watching Avani jump off my bed and run out. I look around the room, thinking if I should follow her or stay here, but she answers my question running back into my room. I groan immediately, pushing my hands under my butt so Avani can't reach them.

"Why not?" Avani complains, stretching out the 't' with a pouty face. "You'll look so pretty and cute, Tony would love it!"

I contemplate if her sentence is true or not and lightly take my hands out from under me and place them in my lap.

"Fine, but nothing to long or crazy." I state, making Avani squeal with happiness and get her stuff. She lightly grabs my hand and gets to work.

An hour later my nails are covered in white acrylics, they're shaped kinda like a square at the top, the acrylic just going past my actual nails. It's a weird feeling at first but I'm not mad about my decision, I take a picture sending it straight to Tony.

'Image attached'

'What do you think? Avani made me get them so it's not my fault'

I lie about Avani making me get them just incase he doesn't like them and I can blame her for it. I close my phone looking over at Avani with a smile, she's cleaning up all her stuff and has left to put it away. She walks back in and I stand up to give her a hug,

"Thank you. I love them." I smile, looking down at my nails again with joy.

"No problem bb! That's what best friends are for." Avani chuckles, throwing her arm over my shoulder before looking dead in my eyes. "We're gonna watch Spongebob now."

I laugh, nodding my head and turning on my T.V, cuddling back into her side once the show has started playing. I feel a buzz from my phone and I open it to see a text back from Tony.

'Image attached' Seen

'What do you think? Avani made me get them so it's not my fault' Seen

'They look so good Nicky! Make sure to thank Avani for me'

'She says your welcome' Seen

'They feel really weird, but I really like them too' Seen

'That's good! You're gonna look so cute!'

'Stooppp you're making me blush' Seen

'Anyway me and Avani are watching Spongebob and it feels really weird to text so I'm gonna go, can't wait until Friday!' Seen

'Can't wait either, bye Nicky'

'Byeee' Seen

(1282 words)

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