𝕤𝕡𝕖𝕖𝕕 𝕦𝕡.

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Sehun kicks the snow under his feet, marvelling at how light it is and how slowly it fell back to the ground. He curled his fingers around each other, holding his hands behind his back like a child as he laughed while he wrote inappropriate words on the ground with his foot. The snow glistened under the sun, a golden colour cascading among the whites, so moist and cool.

"Stop playing Sehun, come on," Beomseok nudges Sehun with his gun and the younger grimace in disgust. Their dad chuckles, walking past them with his rifle held close to his torso. Sehun didn't bother bringing his one along. Well, 'his'. He left the bag in the jeep, not ever planning to use it.

"I'll just head that side," Sehun points to somewhere where it was more dense with trees, wanting to inspect wildlife more up close now that he was outside anyways.

"Okay," his dad knits his eyebrows with a furrow, reluctancy full in his voice. He knew Sehun was uncomfortable with the animal hunting so it's not like he could force him to join him. "Don't walk too far from the jeep okay?"

"Okay," Sehun was already walking towards the trees, intrigued by the colours. If only he had brought his camera.

Sehun pranced through the forest, taking good glimpses at whatever catches his eyes. He found a scurry of squirrels sleeping in the drey of a tree trunk. They curled up together with one another, their brown softness still, yet moving along with their small breathing.

Sehun reaches out with his index finger to caress it's brown fur, a smile growing on his face as the squirrel shivered cutely at his cold touch. Sehun really wanted to take it back home with him, but he knew the wildlife should remain in their natural habitat, no matter how much he wanted them. He doubts they'll be too comfortable living in his house mainly decorated in hides of their co-species anyways.

The brunette sighs, placing his palms on his thighs, he stands back up straight. He turns around to continue his mini expedition, until he catches eye with a dog-like creature stare at him.

At first he thought it was a lost wild dog, which he was hardly scared of given that his father had taught both Beomseok and him on how to deal with the strays.

Furrowing his brows in confusion, Sehun saunters over to it. It had grey fur, which Sehun has never seen in a wild dog before. On further inspection, it's nose was narrower than a dogs', ears much pointier. The way it sat is peculiar too, with it's paws almost centimetres apart, it wagged its tail back and forth.

Sehun walks closer to it and holds his hands out, palms down, just the way his dad taught him. Instead of it responding like it usually should, it tilted its head in curiosity as if intrigued by him. Sehun is now inches close to it, stopping in his tracks, his blood ran cold.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Sehun stumbles backwards as he realizes what animal he had come across. What the fuck. The creature gets startled as Sehun lands flat on his butt, not caring for the snow one bit as his heart thumps loudly.

It runs away at Sehun's action, allowing Sehun to breathe for a little bit. What the actual fuck.

Sehun knew for fact that New Hampshire did not have wolves. Wolves weren't 200 miles from here, in Quebec. Yet, a cub had stood in front of him. They travel in packs, that's for sure, but wolves do not migrate.

Bang! Eyes wide, Sehun remembered about his brother and father. He looks in the direction where the sound of the gunshot came from, only to be met with a beast almost bigger than Sehun himself practically hurdling itself at him.

Sehun screams, he topples over completely at that point, the wolf on top of him. It growls as it bares its fangs at him, drool dripping from the bottom of its muzzle onto Sehun's neck.

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