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The next day, I left early for school since I was excited to see Yoongi. Study was far away. I felt excited about school only because of Yoongi. He was my reason for everything. And I could feel myself falling harder everyday.

I searched the whole campus for Yoongi but I couldn't find him. Easy he absent? Or late? He was a punctual guy. I had never seen him being late.

"Heo Seok-ah, have you seen Yoongi?" I asked as I came across Jung Heo Seok in the corridor.
He beamed like the sun. "No, I haven't."
"Tsk. I have been looking for him since the morning. Is he late?"
He frowned and his expression grew darker. "Heya, by any chance, did you guys hang out during the weekend?" He asked.
I blushed as I remembered. "Yeah, yesterday."
He shook his head and pressed his mouth into a thin line. "Come with me. I need to talk to you."
He grabbed my wrist and pulled me.

He took me to the library and we sat on the corner most part of the room.
We sat down and Heo Seok hovered over me.
"Tell me honestly, did you sleep with him yesterday?" He whispered in my ear.
I frowned. I didnt know if I should tell the truth. Heo Seok was the first person to be my friend in the school but we weren't that close to share this.
"Sorry for the private question but...I really need to know." He said.
I gulped down and fear started to crept in me. I could feel something wrong.
"Umm...Yes." I nodded and kept my eyes on the floor.
He was going to judge me. He was going to judge me.
He sighed and leaned back on the chair.
I looked up at him. "Why?"
"I should say. I am disappointed in you. How could you? I mean, why didnt you resist?"
I was speechless.
"Ji Hwa, didnt you know you were being played around? How could you be so stupid?" He talked in a low voice. It was surprising because I had never heard him talk in low voice before.
I knotted my hands together nervously. I got the feeling that I had done something terrible.
"Ji Hwa, listen to me carefully now. This is not the first time Yoongi had done this. After he drags one girl in bed, he likes to ignore the girl the next day. I am sorry I didnt warn you earlier because I thought you were tough. Now, all you have to do is break up with him. He needs to learn his lesson. No girl had ever dared to stand against him. You can be the first. Get your revenge. Tell him he isn't good enough for you. You need to end this before he does. Make him look bad or you will have to look bad in front of others." He said as quietly as possible.
I was in shock. I was played. I was played. It kept repeating in my mind.

"The bell has rung. I am leaving for class. Dont forget what I said." He left.
I didnt hear the bell ring as I was too much in shock.
I didnt even realise when i walked out of the library and reached my class. The teacher was already in, taking attendance. As i entered, i froze. Yoongi was on his seat. Our eyes eyes for a brief moment but I couldn't maintain it. I looked away and took my seat.

After the class, I grew upset as Yoongi didnt even look at me one more time. He didnt even bother to turn once and look. Of course because he didnt care about me. Before I thought it was just the way he was, unexpressive but I was wrong. He never liked me and I was a fool to go to bed with him.

After the school, the collected my bag and decided to leave from the second door. Yoongi always left from the first door.
"Heya, Ji Hwa."
I froze as Yoongi called in his deep voice.
I turned around stiffly.
"What is wrong with you? Why are you not meeting my eyes?" He asked.
I bit on my lips, nervously.
"What happened?" He asked.
I made up my mind. He was going to do it any way.
"Yoongi-ah, I want to break up with you." I said and bit my tongue.
He frowned and stared down at me. "What did you say?" He asked in disbelief.
"Please dont ever try to talk with me any more." I said and left the classroom hurriedly, leaving him dumbfounded.


Ooo...Jhope the mind changer. 😹
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