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*Smut warning*

Yoongi and I sipped on coffee in the evening on the balcony. The weather was pleasant and I was finally breathing without any worries. Min Gyu was peacefully asleep after playing five rounds of UNO with Yoongi.

"We should call detective Jimin and undercover agent Jk for a nice meal." I spoke, staring at the setting sun.
Yoongi chuckled softly. "They eat like pigs."
I laughed lightly.
Silence stretched a little and I realised something.
"Uh...Yoongi-ah...thank you..." I said, my cheeks burning.
"If it wasnt for you, I had no idea how to get my son back." A lump rose in my throat.
"Dont thank me. As the father, I was as worried as you. Of course i had to find my son."
I smiled.

"Uh...what is happening between you and Jin hyung? You both seemed a little distant." He asked hesitantly.
I dont know why but i felt so carefree that i wanted to tell him everything. I didnt want to lie to him.
"Uh...actually, I think he has another woman. I am not so sure but the other day, I found a little chit in his pocket. And...the letter was a little intimidating." I said the truth.
He didnt answer so I had to look at him to see his face. And of course it's Min Yoongi, his face gives away nothing.
He didnt speak so I decided to stay quiet as well.

"I think you should clear it out with him. I suggest you guys to meet and talk to clear this misunderstanding." He spoke in a low voice after a while.
I nodded. "Yeah, I should ask him."
"What will you do if he has another woman?" He asked.
Jeez...what do I say?
"I dont know. It's up to him." I shrugged.
"What if he chooses you?" He asked.
"Uh..." I didnt have anything to say and I remembered what he said about a  ew beginning. I started to turn red.

"Cant you just come to me?" He asked. I didnt expect him to be so straight forward.
I met his eyes but dropped it on the floor as I felt like my neck was cranking.
He put his hand under my chin and tilted my head up to meet his eyes.
"Can't you just marry me?" He asked.
I gasped and held my breath.
"I really want you and my son in my life. And I am ready to spend my whole life with you. I know you have gone through a lot because of me. You have raised our son alone. But now I have found you and you dont have to be alone anymore. I will walk every path with you." He said and i saw the sincerity in his eyes.
My heart felt warmer and everything just felt right.

His thumb slowly traced my bottom lip, showing his intentions clearly. He slowly leaned down. I had no intention to protest or stop him. It just felt natural with him, as if he was always with me.
I shut my eyes close and waited for it.

He kissed the corner of my mouth and then my forehead. I felt like a little girl. I opened my eyes to gape at him and he smiled broadly, the widest smile I had ever seen him wearing. I felt happier.

"You haven't answered yet." He said.
I had no words to say. I placed my hand on his shoulder and crushed my lips against his. He was surprised by my move but wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer, kissing me softly.

My heart bursted into flames as I realized how much I had missed him. I wrapped my arm around him to deepen the kiss. It turned so intense and passionate that we found ourselves in the other bedroom within no time.
Damn, we had done it before and even had a kid but I still felt like it was my first. Oh well, things change a lot in ten years. All I was worried about that I hadn't shaved for like days.

We fell on the bed and he climbed on top of me.
"I missed you." He whispered and kissed my neck, biting on my skin.
My hands moved to unbutton his shirt.
"I missed you too..." I said and kissed his head.


I stared at the ceiling, zoning out. My mind was clearly empty. I was clutching on the blanket over me, in disbelief that I was back with Yoongi after all these years.

Yoongi rolled over and tucked me under his arm. "Tired?" He asked.
I flushed. "A little."
"I will cook dinner tonight." He kissed my head.
"Uh...can I ask you one thing? I dont want to ask but it will keep on bothering me if I dont." He stated.
I nodded. "Say.."
He let out a nervous laugh. "Uh...umm...dont be offended but I just wanted to know if... you know, if you have...like done it with...you know." He asked.
I wanted to hide because of embarrassment. "No..." I answered straightforwardly.
He chuckled. "I thought so."
I frowned and blushed as I realized what he meant.

"I think we should get up." I said.
"Yeah...sure. I will cook." He said and sat up.
"I will help." I smiled.


He was very impressive in the kitchen. He had mastered cooking in those years. Watching him cook, I felt like I lacked a lot in the kitchen. He clearly knew what he wanted and what he had to do. Woah...I fell in love. Hmm..

Dinner was ready in no time and I went to wake my son. He told he was hungry as soon as he opened his eyes.

"Min Gyu-ya, isn't the dinner delicious tonight?" I asked.
He nodded with a happy smile. "It is because it doesnt taste like your cooking, Eomma."
Yoongi laughed.
I shook my head at my son. Did he have to hurt me like that? Unbelievable.
It was an happy hour and watching their faces, I felt complete. Our family was complete. And I had no other worries with me...


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