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10 years later...

"Ma'am, the writer of Sunshine wants to know about the progress of her publication." My secretary Mikka said.
"Aish...of course it's going well. Tell her I will inform her through email." I smiled.
She nodded and left my room.

I read through the manuscript and sighed. This author needed to start from the beginning. I shook my head at the plot.

My eyes were tired so I decided to take a rest. I fished out my phone and called Jin.
"Eomma!" My little devil, Kim Min Gyu picked up.
"Aigoo...are you having fun?" I asked.
"Yeah, eomma. Appa is awesome but he cannot ride the roller coaster." He laughed.
I chuckled. "Have you eaten something?"
"Appa eats a lot, eomma. He took me to a nice place and we ate a lot."
"That's good. Now hand over to him." I said.

"Yeah, Ji Hwa?" Jin greeted.
"Oh...Thank you so much for taking him out. He had been wanting to go to the amusement park for so long. I just didnt have time."
"Aish, kwaenchana. Next time you should come with us. It's fun." He laughed excitedly.
"Only if I have time." I laughed.
"Okay, see ya then."
"Yup. Bye."
I hanged up.

I ordered Mikka to get me a cup of coffee. I was feeling asleep. The whole night I had been reading manuscripts. I didnt even get a blink of sleep.


At four, I left for home. I drove carefully under the rain. As I waited in front of the traffic light, I sighed and stared at the rain. It reminded me of Yoongi. Even after ten years, he hadn't left my mind. I always wondered what he was up to. Did he miss me? Did he ever think of me?

I couldnt imagine him thinking about me. Not even for once.

I reached home. Jin was cooking dinner and Min Gyu was with Jin's phone. I sighed as I saw Min Gyu.
"Heya, you are going to spoil Min Gyu." I said loudly to Jin.
"No, I am not." Jin yelled.
Min Gyu looked up from the sofa. "Eomma." He muttered.
I went to sit next to him and peeked at the phone. I frowned. The screen was blank.
"What are you doing Min Gyu?" I asked.
"I was thinking..." he trailed off.
"Were you staring at the blank screen?" I asked.
He nodded.
"What were you thinking?" I asked.
He sighed and didnt answer.

I stood up and walked to the kitchen. Jin was busy cooking.
"Ji Hwa-ya, Namjoonah called. He said he will come to meet before leaving for Korea." Jin said.
I walked to him. "Okay. But are you sure about about the decision?"
He looked at me with a smile. "Of course. What is so wrong going back to our own homeland? And top of that, Min Gyu will learn about his own culture."
I pressed my lips together. "Yeah..."
He frowned. "Why are you so unsure about it? Is it because of your job?"
I shook my head and placed a smile on my face. "No. No. I will get another job in Korea."
He turned off the stove and turned to me. He leaned on the sink and looked at me.
"You know you can always tell me whatever is inside your head." He said.
I nodded. "I know but I really don't have anything right now."
He sighed and pulled me into his arms. "We...Let's get married. I promise I will keep you happy. Min Gyu will like it too." He muttered.
I didn't answer. I had faced that situation like more than thousand times in the past ten years.

I met Jin through Namjoon oppa. Jin was his one year senior and we met after one month after shifting to the US.  He confessed after three months and asked me if I would like to marry him. Ever since then, he had been trying and trying. When Min Gyu was born, he was the first to hold him. And when Min Gyu could talk, he called Jin appa, probably Jin taught that while I was not around.

"Come on, we are already like a family. Only marriage is left." He said.
I pulled away from him. "I am sorry but I dont think I am ready for this. Yet." I said, avoiding eye contact.
He nodded. "I understand. But just know that i will always be around. I am not giving up."
I nodded. Maybe one day i could fall for him too...maybe just one day...

We all ate dinner together. Min Gyu had learned nice habits from Jin. He ate diligently. I knew Jin was a great dad for Min Gyu but...it was only me. I wasn't in love with Jin.

After dinner, Jin got ready to leave after putting Min Gyu to sleep.
"Well, I hope your bags are packed. Goodnight. " he kissed my head and left.

I went back to Min Gyu's room and watched him sleep for sometime. He was one little devil. He exactly looked like Yoongi, small Yoongi. Anyone who knew Yoongi could say it was his son. Min Gyu was a polite and quiet boy even though he was young. Jin had taken care of him as a real father, teaching him all good manners. Jin was a great dad.



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