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"You awake?"
I blinked my swollen eyes and saw Yoongi hovering over me.
I sat up on the bed with a swift motion and looked at him. "Did you find him?" I asked.
He bit his lips and shook his head. "We will find him soon."
I rubbed my forehead. I couldn't sleep well and I woke up with a headache.
"Ji Hwa-ya?" He called.
I looked up at him.
He shook his head. "Nothing."
Tears pricked down my cheeks just as I thought about my little son. "Do you think he is safe?" I asked, my lips quivering.
He swallowed. "He will be fine." Hr said but it sounded like he was assuring himself.
My heart ached. He was suffering too. Hr had just met his son and no...he cant lose him like that.
I threw myself at him, hugging him tightly. "Yoongi-ah..." I sobbed. I didnt have any word to say to him.
His body started to shake and I knew he couldn't hold himself together anymore. I stroked his head softly as we continued to cry together.
"Our son will be fine." He said between sobs.
I nodded, trying to agree to it. "Yeah...he will be."


Somehow we managed to have breakfast. I didnt have any appetite. Was my son eating well?

Yoongi called the police again buy there was no information.
"Hey, do you think its kidnapping?" I asked, throat tight.
He stared at the floor. "I don't know. The kidnappers should have called."

The door bell rang and I glanced at Yoongi with hope. He seemed confused. I rushed to open the door and to my surprise, it was Jin.
"Ji Hwa-ssi." He had a worried frown on.
I swallowed.
"Can I come in?" He asked.
I nodded and let him in.

Yoongi's face didnt change at the sight of Jin nor did Jin's face. It was like they expected each other.
It was a little awkward but I didnt have time to think about it. I just wanted my son.
Jin sat on a couch and I sat on the other one.
"What exactly happen?" Jin asked.
I explained everything to him and ended up crying again.
Yoongi quietly came to sit beside me and I tried to hold it in.
"What did the police say?" Jin asked.
"They are all lacking. I called detective Park to work on this case." Yoongi answered.
I couldn't speak anymore so I let Yoongi do all the talk.
Jin nodded. "Detective Park is well known. I heard he has informers in the underground."
I kept my head low, staring at the floor. I couldn't look into Jin's eyes. It made me feel guilty and betrayed.
"But Yoongi, you have done a great loss to the company. The concert was important." Jin said and I looked up in disbelief at him.
"My son is more important." Yoongi muttered clearly.
I gritted my teeth together and for the first time, I hated Jin. Yoongi had done the right thing. If it wasnt for him, i would still be begging in the police station to find my son.
Jin nodded and looked at me. "You okay?"
I nodded slightly.
Yoongi reached for my hand and squeezed it gently. I could feel Jin's eyes on our hands. I bit the side of my cheeks in embarrassment.
"I have a lot of work back in the company. Please let me know if I can help in any way." Jin said and stood up to leave.
We nodded and he walked off.

I expected Yoongi to let go off my hand but he didnt. Instead, he clutched it tighter.
He took a breath to speak but his phone interrupted and he sighed and picked it up.
"Jk." He greeted and whatever the person on the other end told made Yoongi's eyes bright up and he nodded seriously. "Got it. Tell them about black boss. Great!" He hanged up and looked at me.
And his expression gave me hope.
"We found our son." He smiled and I almost cried again. My heart felt heavy again. But I had no time to lose.

"Let's get him now." I tucked on his arm.
He suddenly pulled me in his arms. I was surprised but I stayed in his arms calmly. I felt better in his arms, safe and comfortable.
"Ji Hwa-ya, I seriously need you and my son in my life. Please..." he whispered.
I stopped breathing.
"Ten years is long enough. Cant you just come back to me? We will start over from the beginning."
I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. I...it was so hard to hold back. I had always missed him. But now in person, I miss him more. I want him to be mine. Only mine. But...

"Yoongi-ah, let's talk later about this. Let's get our son first." I told and pulled away from him.
He nodded. "Let's go."

Downstairs, detective Jimin was waiting for us. Park Jimin was quite a cute detective. We drove in silence to our destination. I was growing impatient to meet my son. I wanted to hide him in my arms and protect him from all evils. I wanted to sue those who kidnapped him.

The car finally stopped and I looked out of the windshield. There...I saw my son, sitting outside a convenience store with a big guy. I impatiently opened the door and rushed out.

"Eomma!" My son called out as he saw me.
I knelt and pulled him in my arms, tears streaming down my face.
"Adeur..." I sobbed, hugging him tightly.
"Eomma, I am fine..." he hugged me back tightly.
I kissed his forehead and took a proper look at his face. He looked so exhausted.
I hugged him again.

"Jk. Thank you so much." Yoongi arrived.
"Hyung, Min Gyu is your son?" The guy asked.
"Heya! Jungkook-ah...you did great like always." Detective Jimin exclaimed.
I wiled my tears and stood up, holding my son's hand tightly.
I was surprised to see the young man's face. I knew him. I had met him before.
Jk. He told his name was Jk.

I bowed down. "Thank you so much for finding my son. I dont know how to repay you. Please feel free to ask anything from me." I said and bowed again.
"Noona. Please dont bow to me. I just did what I needed to do as a police." He smiled.
I frowned. "Police?"
"I am working as undercover for Detective Jimin. I am not official police but I work as one." He chuckled.
My heart felt so light. The heavy burden had been lift off.
"Who took my son? And why?" I asked.
Yoongi wrapped an arm around me and placed the another hand over Min Gyu's head. "They saw you were new and thought you are rich. They were going to ask for money."
I frowned in disbelief.
"Anyway Jk, thank you. I owe you man!" Yoongi smiled.

Jk smiled and slipped his hand under Jimin's arm. "Hyung, wanna buy me a meal?"
Jimin shook his head with a laugh. "Always!" He said.


I kept on holding onto my son's hand as we drove back. Yoongi drove in silence and I was too enveloped in my thoughts.

Back home, I decided to cook loads of food. Yoongi needed his own time with his son. So I left them alone. Yoongi never liked to show his feelings openly. He needed his own time and space.

I cooked and set the dining. I called for them and was quite surprised that the father and son took a bath together. Min Gyu looked happier and Yoongi looked bright and excited.

"Eomma! Jk hyung told me how cool my dad is. He fought with the bad guys without using any guns. He is so cool. Just a phone call, and boom! I am home." Min Gyu told while eating.
I watched him with love. "Eat more, adeur."
"Eomma! Appa has so many cool friends. I like Jk hyung the most. I want to be like him. His body is so great."
"Son, I thought you wanted to be like me." Yoongi said.
"I know but I have changed my mind. I like how Jk hyung fought off the bad guys. Jk hyung is good in taekwondo. I really want to be like him."
Yoongi looked disappointed and i burst out laughing at his face.

And just like that, everything came back to normal.


Thanks for reading. Dont forget to read my other stories. Ayo! It's a smut. If u r interested, check out out!

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