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I went to school as usual for exams. Yoongi didnt bother me anymore. He might have just given up. But somewhere deep inside, I wanted him to try. But...maybe he was just toying with my feelings. I had heard about him taking girls home not only from Heo Seok but from others too. I was just not ready to accept the fact that he could be someone like that. Yeah, he was the kind who couldnt express but...I really got feelings for him. For me, it was true. 

The last day of exam arrived and vacation would be starting straight at the point when the final bell rings. I was prepared as usual. I was good. I had avoided Yoongi's eyes, answered everything in the question paper and was dedicated to enjoy my vacation.

The final bell finally rang and I stood up to collect my bag as usual. I had no idea what was waiting for me.
"Ji Hwa."
I turned to see Mina smiling with her two friends. "Yeah?"
"I have to show you something." She said.
I frowned. "What?"
"Someone wants to talk to you. Come with us." She smiled sweetly.
My heart beat just fastened. "Umm...my brother is waiting outside. I can't take long."
"Aiy, it won't take long." She grabbed my wrist and pulled me.
She dragged me along her to the music studio. I guessed it was Yoongi waiting there.
"Wait here." She roughly pushed me inside the room and I fell on the floor.
She closed the door and click, she locked it from outside.

I panicked. I got on my feet and hammered on the door, calling for help. I yelled and yelled. I could hear their giggles fading away. They left me there for real. I just couldnt believe it. Fear crept into my heart. I gulped down nervously. It was scary. I...couldnt take it. My sight got blurred. I felt dizzy after sometime of yelling. The world spun around me and before I knew, darkness hovered over me.


"What do we do?" I heard mom.
"I dont know. We have to talk to her." Dad too.
"I...I cant believe it." Mom sobbed.
"Its alright. Dont cry."
"When will she wake up?" Namjoon oppa...
"We dont know." Dad replied.

I forced my eyes open and blinked at the white  ceiling. They rushed to my side.
"Honey, are you alright?" Mom asked.
I tried to sit up and the IV stung. I grimaced at the pain.
Namjoon oppa helped me sit up, putting the pillow behind me.
"I am fine mom. Some friends just locked me up." I said.
They stared at me like I was a mad person.
"What?" I asked. I felt fine. Was something wrong?
"Umm... honey, we want to ask you something. " mom said almost hesitantly.
I nodded. "Yeah, sure."
"Umm...Do you have a boyfriend?" She asked.
I frowned as all the blood drained from my body. "Umm..." I didnt know what to say.
"Tell us, honey."
"I-I had but we broke up recently." I said, embarrassed.
Dad and Namjoon oppa looked shocked. Mom's expression didnt change. She sighed and brushed my hair.
"Honey, there...is a trouble." She said.
I noticed how horribly quiet dad and oppa were. It was weird. In usual, Namjoon oppa would be freaking out and cursing at those who locked me up. Dad would be very worried about it. something was off
I could sense it.

"What is it? Something is wrong? What is it? Tell me." I said, fearing what it might be.
Mom clutched on my hand. "Honey, you are pregnant. "
My eyes widened and my soul left my body.
My mind went blank at the greatest shock. I didnt know what to say or how to react.

"Who is he, Ji Hwa?" Namjoon oppa spoke up.
I couldnt respond.
"Samchun, let me talk to her for a while. Imo, please." Oppa said.
My mom and dad sighed and left the room.

Oppa sat on the bed.
"Ji Hwa, who is the guy?" He asked.
I placed my hand over my stomach. Wow. There was a life inside me. I was nourishing a little life. It felt so special. I felt special. But...
"Ji Hwa?" Oppa called.
I looked at him. "Oppa, I want the kid." I said.
His eyes widened in shock for a moment. "What? Why?"
"I cant kill a life. It's my child." I covered my stomach defensively.
He stared at me. "But you are too young. You have to study. You cant have the baby." He said.
I shook my head. "I will drop a year. I will do anything but I want this baby. It is a life in me. My baby."
He stared at me like I was a mad person. Yeah, I was probably mad because I wanted the kid to come in the world but the father might not be convinced. But I didnt have to tell him. The baby would be all mine.
A smile spread on my lips.
"Ji Hwa?" Oppa called.
"Oppa, the father won't want the kid. He will ask me to abort it. My parents will ask to abort it too. Please oppa, save my child. Please. Oppa." I begged, clutching on his hand.
He thought for a moment and sighed. "We will talk to your parents. First tell me who the father is."
My eyes fell on the floor. "It's a fellow classmate. He... we were dating but I came to know he was playing me so I broke up with him. He was going to break up anyway so I did first. I...I dont want him to know about the baby. He won't like it. Please oppa, keep him out of it. We have already broken up so dont involve him. Please." I begged with tears in my eyes.
I could imagine Yoongi's disgusted face as I tell him I am pregnant. He wouldn't want it. He would tell me to get rid of it. He wouldn't take responsibility. I knew it. I just knew it.

Oppa sighed. "Ji Hwa, it is a very big decision. We will have to discuss with your parents." He said, squeezing my hand gently.
I nodded and wiped my tears away.
I prepared myself.


Thank you for reading.
I hope you like it.

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