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I went through my closet for something decent to wear. I wasnt even sure if I should dress up but yeah, I wanted to look pretty. It took me some time to decide what to wear and at the end, I chose my burgundy dress with a black coat. Make up was not really not my thing. I just applied a little moisturizer on my face and a coloured lip balm. I was set to go. I called Jin, informing him I was going out.

Yoongi had sent me the address and it was going to take an hour. I took a cab and was on my way when I got a call from Yoongi.
I frowned and my heart raced at the caller id.
"Yeah, Yoongi-ah?" I bit on my lip as I called out his name informally out of habit.
He was silent for a moment. "Uh...are you coming?"
"Min Gyu?"
"He is out with Jin-ssi."
"Ah...can you grab some peaches for me on the way?" He asked.
I was confused. Like why on earth would he ask me to buy peaches?
"Yeah, sure." I said with a frown.
The line went dead.

I dropped at a store but peaches were hard to get. Jeez...
I searched in other stores too but found none. I decided to drop in a last store and found canned peaches instead.
"This will work I guess." I muttered and continued on my way.

The cab dropped me near an uphill. I paid and got out. I looked around and the neighbourhood was empty. It was chilly. I checked the address and it showed I had to walk a little to the uphill.

I stopped infront of a huge house.
"Is this it?" I muttered and decided to ring the bell.
"Yeah?" It was Yoongi's voice.
"Ah...I have arrived." I said.
The machine beeped and the gate opened. I walked in. There was a lawn and the front door was open. I walked in and closed the door behind me.

It was quite warm inside so I took off my coat and hung it on the cloth hanger.
"What took you so long?" Yoongi's voice startled me.
I turned around with wide eyes. He stood there with his arms crossed a cross his chest.
"I told you to be on time." He said.
"Its because someone told me to buy peaches for him." I said, rolling my eyes.
He narrowed his eyes and walked away.
I followed him, looking around. Everything looked expensive in there.

"Wow. So you live alone here?" I asked, awed by the interior.
He turned to face me. "Um...yeah. sometimes." The corner of his lips curled up into a smile.
I smiled back.
He looked away. "Uh...did you have dinner?" He asked nervously.
"Oh. No, not yet."
"Good. Let's talk while having dinner." He said and started to  climb the stairs. I frowned. I looked around and the kitchen was in the corner. Why upstairs? Shaking my head, I followed him.

He walked to the balcony and my mouth was hung open at the sight.
"What is this, Yoongi?" I asked.
The huge balcony was decorated with tiny ferry lights. They were shining golden. A round table was set up on the centre with food on it. What did it mean?
"Dont be surprised. I usually eat like this." He shrugged matter off factly. "It usually may sway any girl but dont get any ideas. Its usual for me." He said and took a seat on the table. He looked at me with questioning eyes as I was too shocked to move. I cleared my head and took a seat.

It was steak for dinner with salads and...wine. something seemed fishy. Well, if this was how he usually ate, it was great.
I looked at him and caught him staring. He looked away. My  heeks burned.
I took the wine and took a sip. "So...what did you want to talk about?" I asked, flattered.
"Uh...yeah." he rested his elbows on the table, staring at the tiny lights. "Eat first." He said.
I nodded and picked the knife and fork. The steak was tender, not hard to cut at all. I took a bite and it tasted just as it looked. Great. He must have a great chef at home.
"How is it?" He asked.
I nodded while chewing. "It is good. You must have a great chef at home." I smiled.
I raised an eyebrow. "Well, no. I made this."
I blinked several times. "Really?" I asked in disbelief.
He smirked. "I am the great chef."

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