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"Okay Oppa, I will call you again when Min Gyu comes back home." I hanged up the call and sighed.
Namjoon oppa and i had been in the call for half an hour, talking about the time I landed to Seoul till the present day. He had started working as a English professor in White University. And the thought of working just made me feel exhausted. To be honest, I was a little nervous about starting to work in Korea. I didn't know how to get well with people.

I sighed and decided to call Jin.
"Hello?" He picked up and his voice sounded somehow deeper.
"Jin-ssi, did my son eat lunch?" I asked.
There was a moment of silence. "Ah...actually Jin hyung is not here. He has left his office for a moment." The male said politely.
"Oh...can you tell him I called when he comes back?"
"Yeah, sure. Uh...Are you Min Gyu's mom?" He asked.
"Oh..uh...dont worry. He has eaten lunch."
"Oh, thanks." Something felt weird.
"Actually...Min Gyu was willing to visit the amusement park with me and Taehyung and he asked me not to tell his mom and Jin hyung but I dont think it will be right. Jin hyung told you told a no. Um...I actually would like to spent some time with Min Gyu so...please can you let him...uh...spent some time with me?" He asked.

Time stopped and I froze as all the blood drained from my body. I was talking with none other than MIN YOONGI! Shit. Shit. What on earth!!!! No. No.

"Um...hello? You still there?" He asked.
I held my breath for a moment and my voice was stuck in my throat.
Swallowing up the lump, I managed to speak. "Uh...actually..." I trailed off. I was at a loss of words and I had no excuse.
"And yeah, Jin hyung told he has a dinner date with you. I can take care of Min Gyu for the time being, if you dont mind." He said.
I sighed, giving up on everything. "Yeah, okay. But please dont let him eat mint chocolate too much." I said.
"Mint chocolate?" I could hear his confusion.
"Yeah. He likes Mint chocolate ice cream and he will be begging for it later. Just dont let him eat too much."
He chuckled. "Wow. What a coincidence. I like mint chocolate too. Okay, I will take care." I dont know why but I could say he was smiling wide.
"Yoongi-ssi, please take care of my son..." our son...
"Yeah sure. But what is your name?" He asked.
I hanged up and placed my phone down with a big sigh, as if a heavy boulder had been lifted from my shoulders. Yoongi...calling his name out loud felt a little weird. It felt unreal that I talked with him after all these years. And I could tell he had no idea about me. Maybe he had completely forgotten about me. For the better.

For the rest of the day, my mind was unstable. And I couldn't stop thinking about Yoongi's voice. His voice hadn't changed much but it had become more deeper and...sexy. Jeez, I shook out my thoughts. I didn't want to think about him. But it was harder than i thought. Once again, he had come back to my life and I wondered if we would meet again.

In the evening, the door bell rang and I went to open the door. Stood stood there with a wide smile.
"Hi." He greeted.
"Hey." I bit on my lips nervously. He looked so charming being all dressed up. He was wearing a grey suit with a nice crisp shirt. His hair was neatly tousled up and his smile made him look like an angel.
He looked me from head to toe and I realized I had totally forgotten about our dinner date. Shit shit. I was in my pink PJs and my cheeks burned from embarrassment.
"Well...uh...can I take a moment?" I asked, flushing.
He laughed. "It's alright. Were you working?" He walked inside and closed the door.
"Uh...yeah." I lied.
"Please wait for sometime. I will get ready in a second." I pressed my lips into a thin line.
"No problem. I will watch TV then." He said.

I walked to my room and hurriedly went through my closet. I had never gone on a date before. Well...I had gone but I was in high school then. I took two dresaes out and walked out of the room to show it to Jin.
"Hey, which dress should I wear?" I asked, showing the dresses up to him.
He looked at the dresses. "I like the white one. It is fresh." He smiled.
I blushed. "Okay." I said and ran to my room.
Suddenly I was all excited about the date and I looked forward to it.
I wore the white formal dress and put some makeup on. I let my hair fall loose down my shoulders and for the final touch up, applied some gloss on my lips. I stared at myself in the mirror. I had never dressed up like that for anything.  Wow, I looked quite good.

Shyly, I walked out of the room.
"I am ready." I said, walking to Jin.
He stood up and his eyes widened and he looked lost for a moment. "Woah...you look so...beautiful." he said, scanning me from head to toe.
I blushed. "Thanks. Let's go."


Jin took me to a nice fancy restaurant for the dinner date. I was a little nervous about the whole thing. I didn't know what to talk about. But everything went smoothly. I was quite shocked that even after knowing him for ten years, I knew so little about him. That night, I got to know a lot about him and time just passed by.

We ordered carbonara and steak for dinner. The meal was delicious and I made a list in my mind to come back again. That night, I discovered the playful side of him. I had never seen his playful side. All those years, he seemed very disciplined and careful person. He was always so careful around me. And this date made me realise how awkward he felt to be near me and I always thought that was how he is. But he is different, not like I thought him to be.

"The dinner was delicious. Thank you." I said once we got in the car.
He laughed. "Let's go out often. It was so nice to know you better. Actually, I usually eat alone and I liked it until today. Today, eating with you made me realise how fun it is to have a company."
"You used to eat alone?" I asked.
"Yeah, i usually eat alone." He shrugged, starting the engine.
I stared ahead. "It's alright. Whenever you want company, you can call me." I smiled.
I realized I had become more comfortable with him.
"Let's go. We will pick Min Gyu from Yoongi and Tae now." He said as we drove away from the restaurant.
My heart skipped a beat at the mention of Yoongi's name. And I had no excuse to run now.
"Umm...today Yoongi picked up when I called you." I said quietly.
"Ah..he told me." He replied, staring ahead at the road.
I bit on my lips nervously. "Umm...how long has he been under your company?" I asked.
"Yoongi? 2013. He auditioned. He is a rare talent. We could tell he is the world's fastest rapper."
My eyebrows shot up, impressed.
"You should say hi. Min Gyu will be hanging out with him a lot from now."
No. No. I couldn't face him.
"Yeah, sure." I said, my heart racing.

"Another 10 minutes." The GPS system announced and I started to sweat. My feet and hands had turned cold. A drop of sweat rolled down my forehead and I wiped it off.
My heart started to throb louder the nearer we got. And I realized I was not prepared to meet Yoongi.
"Uh...Jin-ssi, suddenly I feel sick." I said and it was true.
Too much of stress could make me dizzy.
He glanced at me with a worried face. "What happen? Car sick?" He asked.
I shook my head and closed my eyes tightly. "Umm...can you stop the car infront of any convenience store for now?" I said.
"Yeah. Hold on." He said and few seconds later, parked the car at the side of the road.
"Ji Hwa-ssi, drink some water." He handed me a bottle.
I took some sip and decide I couldn't make it. "Uh...can you go pick Min Gyu up? I want to stay in the store for now." I said.
He looked at me with confusion. "Are you alright?"
I nodded with a smile. "I am fine. It happens to me. Please go ahead. We will meet here later." I said and opened the door of the car.
He got out with me. "I will be back soon, okay? Take care. " he said, hopped back in the car and drove away.
I sighed and walked inside the convenience store.

It was such a lame idea but at least, it worked. I didn't want to face Yoongi.
I sighed out again. Uff...that was close one.

My eyes widened at the voice behind me.


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