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I stretched my arms and sighed. I loved weekends. I could sleep late and god, how much I loved sleep. I frowned as my hand touched something warm and soft. Just in that moment, Jin drew closer and wrapped himself around me, mumbled something in his sleep. Jeez...
I opened my eyes and looked up at his face. I sighed. He was one beautiful man.

And reality struck me. Last night, I tried waking up Yoongi and Min Gyu for dinner but both denied to eat and continued to sleep. Tae left after having dinner with us. Jin suggested me to share a bed with him since the other duo conquered mine. And the apartment had only two bedrooms and Jin didnt want me to sleep on the couch. I wondered if they were up.

Jin shifted and buried his face on my neck. I shuddered as he was breathing on my neck. It felt...weird. Gently, I removed his arms from me and quietly got out of bed. He moved to the other side.

I spotted his luggage in the corner of the room and decided to do his laundry. I opened the luggage and picked the soil clothes. Before putting them in the washing machine, I checked the pockets. In one of his pant's pocket, I found a piece of paper. I absentmindedly went through it without thinking too much.

Kim Seok Jin, a night with you is always lovely. I hope we meet again. And yeah, dont deny the fact that you have a crush on me. We can make it work anyhow, you know. I had fun last night. Looking forward to another intense night. Mwahh...

My heart broke into pieces. What on earth did the letter mean? I couldn't even imagine Jin doing anything wrong. He was the perfect man I knew. But what was with the letter?

Placing the letter back in the pocket, I tossed the clothes in the machine. Everything inside me flared. I couldn't trust anyone. No one. It was unbelievable.

I got up from the floor and got a mini heart attack at the sight of Yoongi watching me. I glared at him.
"What?" He snapped.
I looked away. I was already hurt and I didnt want to listen to his harsh words more.
He rolled his eyes and walked to the kitchen  giving me a cold shoulder.

I already had a lot in my head and one more thing was added. The letter. Was Jin seeing someone at my back? Did he not like me?

"Ji Hwa." Yoongi called.
I turned to face him.
He looked a little unsure about what he was about to say.
"What?" I asked.
"I have to talk to you. Are you free tomorrow?" He asked.
I gulped and licked my lips nervously. "Well,uh...about what?" I asked.
He narrowed his eyes. "Min Gyu, of course."
"I will send you an address. Meet me there. You can bring my son along." He shrugged.
I looked at Jin's room. "Shh...lower your voice." I hushed him.
"My son!" He said as loudly as possible.
"Heya!" I scolded.
He walked back to the room where he slept.

I stood there, wondering if Jin was awake and heard us. But wait, I had to talk to Jin. Should I ask about the letter? Or should i be more sure before questioning him? Ugh...my life was turning into a mess.

Jin woke up late. Actually too late. Yoongi, Min Gyu and I had breakfast together. The conversation between the two was so cute that i couldn't stop smiling at them. They were adorable together. And my inner self sighed, envious of their bonding.

Yoongi took Jin's car and left since Tae took his car the other night.
"I will send you the address. Make sure you come in time." Yoongi said before leaving.

I decided to do some cleaning.
"Eomma, Suga ahjussi bought a lot of comic books for me. I will go read them. He told he will give me more if I finish these ones." Min Gyu told and ran off to the room.
I went to check on Jin and he was still asleep.

I cleaned the whole place and did some more laundry. Just as I was drying the clothes, Jin walked out of the room.
He looked at me sleepily, his eyes barely open.
"Ji Hwa-ssi, did you do my laundry?" He asked in his morning hoarse voice.
I smiled sweetly at him. "Yes."
"Ah...thank you." He scratched the back of his head. "I...will take a shower."
"Ah...Yoongi took your car since Tae took his." I said casually.
"Ah, okay. I slept too much I guess." He said, walking over to me.
"Yeah...its late. Freshen up, I will arrange your breakfast till then." I grew nervous.
He studied my face. "Is something wrong?"
I shook my head. "No. Why?"
He shrugged. "Nothing."
I smiled and turned away from him, collecting the buckets.

Without any word, I walked away. From my peripheral vision, i saw him watching me like he had so.ething to say. I didnt care and walked to the kitchen after placing the buckets in a corner. What did that letter mean? Did he spent a night with someone? I wouldn't have doubted but the mention of an intense night was bothersome for me.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I checked it. It was a text.
Save my number. It's me Yoongi.
My breath got stuck in my throat. Jeez...
Where did you get my number? I texted back.
Why does it matter? He replied.
I sighed and placed my phone on the counter.

I prepared breakfast for Jin and set the table. When he came out in the dining, he looked a little...upset. he took a seat and i sat on the seat in front of him.

"By the way, how was your stay in the states? Do you miss it?" I asked with a smile.
I looked at him closely, trying to analyse every every change of expression on his face.
He gulped down nervously before putting on a smile on his face. "Not much really. Only korea makes me feel home."
"Yeah, that's true." I smiled.
"Umm...do you wanna go out for dinner tonight?" He asked and chew his toast.
"Ah...actually, I...I have plans with Namjoon oppa." I lied and bit the inside of my cheeks.
He nodded. "Oh, okay. I was thinking to take you to my parent's to say hello officially tomorrow." He added seriously.
I blinked, a little surprised. But I needed to be sure of something before meeting his parents. I would have gone if he would have asked last night but after the letter, I didnt want to.
"Um...actually, I told my parents I would visit them with Min Gyu. They miss their grandchildren and we haven't met for a while now." I lied again.
He looked a little disappointed. "Ah...its alright. Um..should I come with you to say hello officially?" He asked.
Oh crap. "Umm..." I trailed off.
He took a deep breathe. "Maybe next time." He smiled. "You should visit them on your own I guess. I will come with you next time." He added.
I smiled. "Yeah...it will be alright I guess."
He nodded, his eyes upset.
My heart ached a little but I needed to know something before introducing to our families officially.

Later that day, Jin took Min Gyu out for a drive. Tae had sent the car back. I had work so I couldn't go and soon it was evening.


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