Chapter Sixteen

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- Heidi's POV -

Today was a new day which I was calling 'save a mermaid day'. It was actually a school day but who wants to go to school? Not me!

Mum gave me the usual 20 pound note as I headed for the bus, I had an idea though. I got off the bus a stop before school and got changed into my normal clothes in the bus station, then I headed for Sea World.

I was there just in time for the gates opening and as it was a weekday Sea World was empty. I took a map of the park from the information cabin then began walking around.

Most of the animals were still asleep as it was only 9:10am in the morning and there wasn't much people around.

"Excuse me?" I said to a boy around my age who was throwing some fish into the sea lion tank.

"Yes?" He replied while climbing down the ladder and turning to face me. His eyes widened.

"I'm looking for the mermaid tank?"

"Oh yes! I'll take you there now" He said with a smile before taking my arm and leading me down a path.

We arrived at a huge tank with nothing in it, I looked around.

"Where is the mermaid?" I asked while pointing into the tank.

"Oh! She's probably under the cave in the corner of the tank. I think that's where she sleeps" He said while showing me where it was, I nodded and smiled at him.

"Thank you for helping me" I said as I looked down at the map again.

"It's no bother at all! Enjoy your time here" He shouted happily before skipping away.

I peered into the tank slowly, there was silence everywhere. Where was the mermaid?

"Hannah!" I shouted. Above the tank there was a huge sign which read 'Hannah the real life mermaid' so I guessed it was her name.

"Hannah where are you" I shouted once more, suddenly the water began to move like something was travelling through it.

Hannah appeared in front of me but behind the glass inside the tank.

"Hannah!" I shouted happily, she frowned at me.

"My name is Summer not Hannah, the human with the big speaker machine made up that name" She huffed. Summer was looking rough, her face was scratched and bruised slightly just before her neck.

"Oh I'm sorry. Hello Summer" I said speaking quieter, she didn't talk much. I expected her to be screaming at me to save her or set her free, but none of that happened.

"Winter sent me here" I whispered, Summers face suddenly lit up and she moved closer to the glass.

"You know my sister? What is she going to do? Is she helping me?"

"Well she's trying to. I just came to see if you're alright before we try to get you out" I explained, Summer nodded. She didn't look like Winter at all, I wouldn't have known they were related.

After a while of talking to Summer I decided to leave before more people began to come into the park, I said my goodbyes to Summer and told her I'd be back soon.

"Heidi?" She said as I walked away, I turned around quickly and looked at her.

"Tell Winter I miss her so much, Okay?" Summer said sadly, I nodded.

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