Chapter 27 : Hoping until...

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High in the sky, the sun seems indifferent to the somber spectacle unfolding under its spring warmth. A bit away in the park, the crowd has gathered to pay a final tribute to Voldemort's victims. A few sobs punctuate the respectful silence as McGonagall delivers her speech.

In the center, Nora patiently waits for the end of the ceremony to slip away. She merely observes the heads rising before her. In the distance, she recognizes Amanda's red hair, who has come to pay her respects to her friends. Exhausted by her feat, sore from the hundreds of engravings that now adorn her body, the young girl couldn't leave as planned the night before. Instead, she found herself in a shaky Great Hall, forced to listen to the shower of thanks raining down on her. Then to answer the trio's questions, accompanied by the DA and some professors, about her story and banshee practices. And when they finally released her, the night was too advanced to leave.

So many convenient excuses, really. Darkness has never been an issue for her to move around. On the contrary... So why linger? It's not as if she had forged unbreakable bonds with the wizards of Hogwarts. She doesn't even have a dead person to mourn. Except Fred, perhaps, but his family is more than enough for that.

Deep down, the Necromancer lets out a mocking laugh she tries to ignore. She hasn't had time to reflect on her revelations from the night before. All she knows is that every time she relives the scene, a mixture of betrayal and annoyance stirs in her chest.

Silence! growls the young girl when her attempt to ignore falls flat.

You won't be able to ignore me until the end of time, you know.

Nothing stops me from trying.'re right. Keep lying to yourself. It's easier.

I forbid you from lecturing me. Especially not you!

Impatience begins to be felt in the assembly, especially for her uncomfortable neighbors. Harry would have much preferred to be away from the crowd and even more from the banshee. Unfortunately, fate, in the person of McGonagall, seems determined to make him rub shoulders with the creature more than necessary, supposedly to set an example of tolerance and forgiveness.

Finally, the headmistress finishes her eulogy, offering everyone the opportunity to speak. The look she gives Harry, Ron, and Hermione is heavy with meaning. Taking advantage of the movement of the crowd parting to let the golden trio through, Nora finds herself behind the group. She'll quietly slip away. At least, that's without counting on the almost perfect organization developed by the DA to keep an eye on her. Barely making a move to leave, she finds herself trapped between Seamus Finnegan and Dean Thomas.

Damn Gryffindors! They won't leave me alone, it's not possible! But what do they want from me now?

Keep you close in case the demon inside you decides to act up? Surely one dark wizard was enough for them. They don't want to tempt fate.

If that's the case, they'll understand who the real devil is here. They'll regret the time of Voldemort.

A bit presumptuous, no?

Shut up!

Growling with anger, Nora invites her Cerberus to step aside as the Necromancer chokes with laughter in her head. He could probably calm her down, prevent the massacre that's brewing, but he doesn't want to. He long lost his humanity, watching it fly away with his sympathy for his fellow beings. Especially if they're stupid enough to enrage a banshee thirsty for freedom.

A growl emanates from deep in her throat, and Nora feels her fangs emerge, her claws sharpen. In less than a second, Seamus will see his head fly high in the sky, just enough time to scratch that damned Survivor. The wizard in question, facing the crowd and the young girl, abruptly stops his speech, witnessing the girl's transformations. His hand moves futilely towards his wand as Hermione, who hasn't noticed anything, speaks up.

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