💎6-Best Day Ever😰💎

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Hey lovelies, ,I was wondering the picture over☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝ or the main cover which one is better?

Beep! beep!

Argh! Alarms, the only device that can disturb me and get away with it.

I stared at my alarm clock with total despair.

One day, you wouldn't be so lucky.

Then I cleaned up and got dressed in my cute, totally fitted uniform that I love so much. I hopped to my full body length mirror in my room and stared at my reflection.

"Looking good babe"

With that I skipped down for breakfast before I am off to school. I walked in the dining room and met my complete family on the table.

Strange, everybody woke up early today.

I examined their shocked face when they saw me. Their faces totally reminded me of all those scary mysterious movies when the uncle admitted he was the one that killed his brother and everyone grasped.

"Susie, where are you going to? School?"

Duh!! Where else can I go to?

"Of course, what a strange question coming from you Vivi"

"But it is weekend"

Wait, what did you say now, weekend?

"No! No! No! You must be mistaken. Yesterday was Friday so today will be....oh"

Everybody roared with laughter even our maid that was serving my mom hid her laughter. I saw you😒

So humiliating😣😣

"Sissy if you want, you can go to school. Too bad only mosquitoes and lizards that will be able to teach you" Rose jested

Another round of laughters were heard. Even a stranger which was my dad's friend was laughing as well.

Blood boiling😤😡

"Hey Susi, don't mind Rosy. She is just being silly but if you want I could arrange a special school for you so you can go to school everyday and...." Rose cut in.

"And every night too"

Round 3 laughters

"I was going to say she will be very intelligent"

Then I had it boiled to hundred degree. I let it all out.

I screamed till I reached my room, banged the door hard, jumped on my bed and pulled my pillow to my head. I could still hear their laughter from downstairs. Very annoying.

They are just laughing. They don't know how it feels to wake up by an annoying device then dress up, finally feeling happy to go to school then the next thing you know, you are slapped down to reality. Ahhhhhhh!

I had to do my emergency cool down method. It's very good. It always make me feel so calm and at peace. I brought out my special pillow, its so soft and cozy. I love it so much I always make sure nothing bad happen to it.

Step one, I punched my pillow so hard.

Step two, I gave it some WWE fighting techniques

Step three, hit it on so many places in my room 'accidentally' breaking some things.

Then the last step, I dust the pillow, lay it on my bed and bury my face on it.

Perfect technics. I have a 'little', 'tiny' bit of 'anger problems' and its 'totally under control' and 'doesn't' make me 'dangerous' to be around when 'angry'.

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