Run Away part 3

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I saw a request for a part 3 and the song village, so why not do both?

The children stumbled back into the orphanage, and walked into the main hall, where they were planning on having a sleepover, and plopped down onto their individual sleeping bags.

Throughly exhausted after flying for so long.

Virgil, smiling fondly at the children, sat down at his own sleeping bag, as he began get comfortable, one of the younger children came up to him.

"Hey Virgil, can you tell us a story?"

"Of course I can, Margaret" Virgil told her, unable to sat no to her tired expression.

"Now, you all have heard most of the stories, hmm, ooh, what about the dragon witch?"

"You told that one last time." The children said back to him.

"Ooh, I guess I did, how about I just sing  you a mini story that was sung many years ago in this same village, way back when, and maybe" Virgil whispered leaning to Margaret like it was a secret but keeping his voice loud enough so everyone could hear, still the kids all leaned forward to listen to the 'secret'. "If were lucky, De and Ray'll come join us" he said smiling at the end

"Yeah!" They cheered.

Virgil took a guitar and began to strum tapping his foot while some children clapped in beat

(Begin music por favor)

And began to sing

There will come a soldier
Who carries a mighty sword
He will tear your city down, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord

Remus seemed to find this the perfect time to appear and mock his brother, showing off a sword like Roman's and putting on a goofy face for the children

Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord
He will tear your city down, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord

Virgil smiled bening the next verse without batting an eye as the kids laughed.

There will come a poet
Whose weapon is His word

Remus joined in clapping and tapping his foot as Janus appeared and began to mock Logan, sticking oit his forked tongue, flicking it as if pretending it's a weapon.
He will slay you with His tongue, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord
He will slay you with His tongue, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord

The children had an uproar of laughed as Remus took the guitar from Virgil pushing him forward to take control of the next verse, Virgil, continued to sing despite aiming a glare in Remus' direction.

There will come a ruler
Whose brow is laid in thorn
Smeared with oil like David's boy, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord
Virgil pulled a pair of glasses out of thin air with one hand and a crown in the other putting them on and booping a few of the kids noses,
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord
Smeared with oil like David's boy, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord
He will tear your city down, oh lei-oh lai...

Virgil placed the crown atop Margaret's head and the glasses on Alec laughing when he scrunched his face up, before spinning away where and striking a dramatic pose.


Remus switched the guitar with Janus and began to dance around Virgil like a native would in a tribal dance, Virgil laughing and join him linking arms and turning in a circle before unhooking arms, switching directions and doing it again.

I'm just SCARED, And One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें