Into the Darkside (UNKNOWN🎶)

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Tw: slight swearing

He needed it, he had to have it It was the last thing she gave him.

Virgil's mother had given him that necklace right before she died, and someone had stolen it. Luckily he knew pretty much everyone in the Darkside, so when the crook tried to pawn it off, the shop owner quickly apprehended him and called Virgil.

So he was going to venture into the Darkside, it would be fun, he could visit friends, beat up some crooks, go shopping. Sadly Logan found out he was going, so he told Patton, who told Roman, and now the whole group was going.

And now Virgil was giving them a talk.

"Alright, I need all of you to stay close to me, no matter what. The Darkside is nothing like here, they do things differently, and most of them don't really like you guys." Virgil stated.

"Wh-" patton started to say.

"Besides you Patton." Virgil interrupted.

" oh, ok" Patton said, now happy again.

Virgil sighed, this was gonna take awhile.

"Okay, listen up, The Darkside is much different than here, we actually have other minor sides, who all live in a small town right outside the main side estates."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait wait, hold up, are you saying you guys are practically princes over there?!" Roman exclaimed, clearly jealous over the fact that his brother is more of a prince than him.

Virgil laughed dryly, " I mean, I guess, but its more like we are the families that knows everyone, and is somehow popular despite how strange we are, like, uhm, I guess you could say we are like the Adams Family." Virgil said shrugging.

"Aww thats adorable kiddo" Patton smiled.

Logan frowned thinking "I thought the Virgil hated the darksides, they seemed rather hostile the last time they met, though i suppose there could have been a strange sort of kinship between Virgil and Remus"

" Okay first things first, we need to fix...that" he gestured to them.

"You just pointed to all of me" Roman responded. (U get a shout out if ur the first 5 ppl to get the referance)

"Exactly, we need less.. all of you" Virgil sighed. This was gonna take awhile.

'Alrighty now to start on their outfits' Virgil thought, placing a hand on his chin thinking of a way to change their outfits to blend more with the aesthetics of the Darkside.

"Alrighty this should do" Virgil snapped a purple smoke encasing over the other sides.

As the smoke dissipated Logan waved a hand in front of his face to clear it faster.

As he was the tallest you could see his outfit first, his hair was slightly more disheveled but remained relatively slicked back.

His tie was nowhere to be seen, and a slew buttons were open, his pants where now ripped blue jeans.

Roman the second tallest, no longer had his regular royal outfit, a deep red button up with the top 3 buttons undone at the top, once more a pair of ripped black jeans, his shirt was tucked in on one side the other is untucked giving him a rebellious look.

Patton, the cute bean he is, changed his look extremely. His cat cardigan was now being worn, it was a bit more of a crop top, but he rocked it anyways especially when paired with a pair of dark blue high waisted pants.

Virgil changed the most, his usual jacket, now left open to show a light purple crop top, fishnets showing from underneath, His usual black ripped jeans now had spider web stockings showing from under the large holes next to his thighs, knees and shins. And on his feet, were a killer pair of purple and silver heels, fit for someone ready to take over the world, kill god, and stomp a racist, all while sashay-ing down a red carpet. (Sorry I couldnt resist)

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