Tramas of the past

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This is a personal AU that I just made up. In this AU people get reincarnated when they die before the age of 20. Certain people, who the universe decide have learned their lesson, and might be able to help others with their previous experiences get chosen to become a side to a lucky person, that person will have the ability to influence many people.
At the end of this chapter I will input a summary of what the song means, aka what happens in his previous lives

I am calling this AU
Lives lived.

⚠️mentions of abuse, suicides, arranged marriages, alcoholism (is that a word?) And death

If you skipped over the intro I recommend to read it to understand what is going to be happening.
This is another song fic, but I do have a few non song fics in the works, sorry for being inactive, I have been working with my friends to make a YouTube channel and discord server.
Stop by our discord if you want. All are welcome and thank you so much for reading

Virgil was the eldest side. He was known for being relatively closed off, yet extremely helpful and protective. He always seemed to be one step ahead of everyone, and knew exactly what to do in any given situation.

Even Patton, who was known for being fatherly, was surprised at Virgil's First aid, and lively knowledge. Everyone wanted to know why Virgil was like this, however none of then knew how to ask him. They didn't wish to upset him and it seemed like a sore subject.

So everyone kept quiet, until Remus of all people decided he was done waiting and asked him.

"What even happened in your previous lives Emo"

Virgil was slightly taken back.
"Oh, um. I dont really like talk like to about it, but I do know a way to explain it, if you would be willing to listen to a song a daughter of mine made."

Remus was ecstatic, he didn't want to ruin this chance by stressing Virgil out and asking to invite the other sides, so he simply told then that all would be revealed, they would simply have to go to the theatre, and stay hidden if they wanted to figure out the best kept secret of the mind scape.
Which was quite ominous, since there were many secrets that the tenants of the mind scape had not shared.

Nearly 2 weeks later the 'meeting' took place. The main sides, including Janus, snuck into the theatre and sat in the back, where the lights were so dim that they would go unnoticed.

Virgil stepped on the stage with a guitar, he looked at Remus, gave him a shaky smile before muttering “ Just let the song play out, don't interrupt or ask questions till the end, please”  (start music- The Beer by Kimya Dawson) 
Virgil took a deep breath, began to play a rather quick toon, and began to sing.

The beer I had for breakfast was a bottle of Mad Dog
And my 20/20 vision was 50 percent off
He said “Punch buggy red” and punched me right in my left eye
Virgil's face shifted and showed a black eye, a busted lip, and what seemed to be a broken nose. His face was sunken in and looked like he was being starved and abused
I said “Don’t you mean padiddle?”
 and I lit his house on fire
He came home on acid.
 I was holding his shotgun
I was dressed like Tina Turner in "Beyond Thunderdome."
He said “Don’t shoot.” I said, “I won’t. I love you, you’re my friend.”
I handed him my wig and shot myself in the head
Virgil's form quickly shifted into one which showed a bloody face, and a bullet hole in the side of his head,

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