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"Come on, Electrika!" Mother screamed. "We have no time to waste!" (okay chill mom lol)

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Electrika grumbled. "Why can't we stay home?" (facts. why would you bring your children in a supposed life or death journey?)

"Because Mother doesn't want to leave us home alone." Glacia answered. "Remember last time?"

Electrika looked down, remembering the time she accidentally burned down their old house. "I was little!" (woAH OKAY THEN)

Mother, Cordelia, Electrika, Glacia, and Elfida moved on once again past the Gate and through the Bridge to Zelindia to the hospital. They had to tell the Guards they were looking for something they left behind while they were in Zelindia earlier that day and the Guards let them pass. Once they got to the hospital in Zelindia, they ran to the woman at the reception desk.

(okay this whole part is really confusing, sorry.)

The woman had sleek, black hair that was pulled back into a tight bun. Her green eyes were hidden under her green tinted glasses that had points on the ends. She was wearing a black jacket and a white button-up shirt with straight black pants and black high heels. Her nametag said "Hello, my name is Prudence."

"Can I help you?" Prudence asked. When she realized they were Actiniumites, she looked at them with a disgusted face. "I mean, what do you want? What are you doing here?" (how did she know they were actiniumites just by looking at them?)

"Well," Mother began.

"We were just looking for her twin." Glacia cut in, before Mother had a chance to say anything.

"Her twin?" Prudence and Mother said at the same time. (stupid.)

"Yes, her twin." Glacia answered. "Unless you want us to bring up a fuss over you not giving an Actiniumite both their children..." (i just... ugh.)

"No, no, let me check." Prudence said gruffly. She looked through some files and said, "Sorry, no proof of two baby Actiniumite girls born at the same time for over a decade."

Mother looked at Glacia with a look that said, "Now what?"

"No, no, this was supposed to happen. Thank you." Glacia answered. "Now please tell us where our little sister is."

"Right there." Prudence answered, pointing at Elfida. "Now, be on your way."

"Nope! I caught you! You were looking for a baby GIRL, and we didn't even mention if it was a boy or girl! You knew we were looking for a GIRL!" (oh brOTHER.)

Mother, Prudence, Electrika and Cordelia looked at Glacia, puzzled.

"What do you mean?" Cordelia asked. (how dumb are you people?)

"Why, it's simple." Glacia said. "Prudence here was part of the plan, too. They all knew we'd be coming back, looking for a baby girl. That's why Prudence went looking for a baby girl instead of a boy. I made sure not to tell her which it was to make sure she was part of the plan. Now, Miss Prudence. Where is our baby?" (sherlock who? -_-)

"If you want to get arrested for breaking into someone's house, go on ahead." Prudence answered, giving Mother a piece of paper with the address of the home the baby was at. "Now, get out of here!" (so you're going to give some random people an address to a newborn's mother's house?)

(that's it. that's the entire chapter. it's like, 400 words. my dumb writing knew no bounds.)

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