"Kitchen Duty+Wally =Fire"

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On the third day of lockdown, Robin and Wally were assigned Kitchen duty.

Much to the rest of the team's dismay.

Between Wally living on takeout and Alfred having cooked everything at the Batcave for Robin
their skills in the kitchen were..less than average.

Aqualad had no idea that he had assigned two clueless cooking partners, assuming Robin and Wally were more than capable to handle a simple hour in the kitchen.

But it didn't take long before he noticed his mistake.


Robin began pulling up recipes online "I'm thinking simple, yet better than Conner's?"

Wally nodded "Agreed. Also who puts cooking fancy french food in a person's head as useful human information anyways?"

"Cadmus apparently."

Wally looked over Robin's shoulder "Alright Rob, what are we making that will blow everyone else's dinners out of the competition?"

"I'm trying to find something we actually have ingredients for, but they all seem advanced," Robin replied while scrolling threw websites

"We can handle Advanced, Oh! that looks cool." Wally pointed to a picture that must have came from a magazine cover.

Causing Robin to shake his head " The name alone sounds hard, plus it has five chief hats."

"What's that? like the rating for how great it tastes?" Wally asked

"No, the level of cooking required. we need a one or two hat rating."
Robin raised his finger to begin scrolling again before wally stopped him

"But Look! we have all the ingredients! Wally flashed in front of him holding red peppers and pasta shells
"Think of how cool it'll look, not to mention the fact that it's way healthier then Conners food was."

"Since when do you care about healthy foods?"

"Since everyone else went junk food style for there dinner night. We need to be different if we want to win, we can be the people who don't have to hide food behind sugar and calories. ..plus It would gain points with the mentors."

"You realize the winner gets no prize right? no trophies or plaques, just a "They cooked a great dinner" mentioned in the end report?"

Wally nodded "You realize Batman and Alfred will read said report.."

Robin turned silent for a moment before replying "...Get some tomatoes."

Wally grinned "On it"

-minutes passed in a blur-

Wally finished the salad and began working on the garlic toast while Robin was assigned making the sauce and pasta.
it seemed to be going okay, Slowly but surely they managed to follow the recipe...
until the time came to heat everything and they realized no one had preheated the stove.

"How long does this thing take to warm up? were running out of time... I don't want to lose points for this"
Wally complained while opening the stove for the fifth time to see if it was hot enough yet.

"I don't know.. I mostly make sandwiches and cereal.." Robin answered

"how long does everything take in the oven?"

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