Do Not Collect 200 Dollars.

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In hindsight, It probably wasn't the best idea to save Uno and Monopoly for the final round…

By the Time Uno came around the Team began to realize how quickly the games were to ending,
sending the originally half-hearted team into a more competitive mood as the extra chores loomed around the corner, and those on the bottom of the board began to realize how close they were to having to pull double cleaning duty.

Conner who had yet to win a single first spot in a game was currently in 6th place and was becoming annoyed, while Wally who had somehow managed to slip down to fifth place became desperate to regain his top spot as Artemis began dealing the cards and going over the basic rules of the card game.

as the first cards where delt,  "Draw four" cards quickly became the cause of many of the team's anger as they were used by all on all team member's,  including by there friends, causing Wally to shove an elbow at Robin for making the color change when he had one card left.

"You're looking at my cards!"

Robin pulled his long dark hair away from his face before answering " I am not, you've changed the color to red three times this round but you've only played one red card during it, meaning your last card must have been red, it's not cheating its basic strategy."

"This is why Speedy and I never played card games with you dude, you make everything way to strategic!"

"Well, Superboy over here has to be cheating, there's no way you have that many draw four cards!" Artemis exclaimed as Conner made her draw from the pile yet again

"I don't cheat." was his simple response which only left her grumbling under breath

"No one is cheating, it is just how the game is played," Kaldur answered

in the end, Conner seemed to have teamed up with M'gann somehow, whether by using a mind link to communicate or simply following the others lead by helping each other change the colors of the game and using + 4 cards on people the other couldn't reach or who seemed to close to winning. causing some to become annoyed when they had won first and second place.

after  Uno, Everyone seemed a little more on edge with each other, But Kaldur was sure The final game of Monopoly would raise there spirts once more...

Clearly, he had never played Monopoly.

after M'gann finished reading the rules they began the game, and while the first fifteen minutes seemed calm enough, It quickly became clear that some of the team had played this game before and knew how to strategize.

Robin and Artemis for example began buying every property they landed on without hesitation.
After a while, M'gann began doing the same, while Kaldur and Conner only bought the occasional space.

Wally was left completely helpless as he never seemed able to land on a single property spot, instead he kept getting "Go to jail" cards causing him to grow more upset while having to spend all his money on bail fines.

"I say we make a new rule, you can only go to Jail five times a game," Wally said after pulling another doomed Jail card

"That wasn't in the rule book…" M'gann said

"Maybe we should, I mean, c'mon guys he's already been there five times, at this point he doesn't even have any property to make money with." Robin said

"All those in favor of the five jail card limit?" Wally asked as he and Robin raised there hands

after a few seconds of silence, Kaldur raised his own, making it a  three on three tie.

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