The one with the cat

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Kaldur was growing accustomed to life at the Mountain.

Sure he grew bored of their limited training and lack of missions.

but overall he enjoyed the rare quiet downtime the quarantine had given them all,  after all, he couldn't remember the last time he could simply read the newspaper in silence. 

He had spent the past hour catching up on all of the week's local news and cases. all in the rare relaxing silence...
Now that he thought about it… maybe a little too much Silence for his team...

Kaldur lowed his paper and scanned the living area. Not a single team member was in sight.
That was never a good sign.

He wasn't as worried about Conner and M'gann, who were probably just in the garage upgrading Conner's old bike again..or even Artemis, who could simply be practicing her archery in the training room…

It was the lack of Blurring speed forces and loud video games that concerned him.
especially since he couldn't remember seeing Robin the past few hours either.

Wally was trouble enough on his own. ..  but whenever Robin went missing with him..well It usually lead to an incident report or fire alarm.

Last he saw of the problem duo had been at breakfast. leaving them six long hours to cause damage somewhere in the mountain.
Kaldur sighed and returned his paper to the coffee table before he rose to begin his search.

At least he could cross off the kitchen. that was probably the most dangerous room to find them in after all.

He spent the next twenty minutes scanning the mountain's rooms but no one was spotted, he even tried using the video cameras.. however there was only one room with a camera down. a blinking no service filled the screen for the garage's cameras. …This was definitely a bad sign.

he made his way through the mountain, hoping his growing dread was mistaken..maybe there really was a problem with the cameras, and robin and wally were simply trying to fix them?

The garage door opened and for a moment Kaldur wished he had stayed on the sofa reading.

so he wouldn't ever have to explain …whatever this was.. to Batman...

But the others had spotted him now. And Wally jumped two feet before throwing on a fake smile. "Heyy Kaldur!"

He entered the room as they all turned quiet and tried to act casually but Kaldur could already smell smoke wafting from the corner of the room.

"Oh, Hey Kaldur..uh any news from Red tornado?" Robin asked while stroking a large black cat in his arms.

"oh did we get any more groceries? did you need help unloading them?" Wally asked while keeping both of his hands mysteriously hidden behind his back

Kaldur did a quick scan of the room and regretted it.
Mirrors lined the far wall, with a row of ladders and umbrellas beside them, the other wall had an electric board and what could be a homemade explosive...

A Bird swooped down from above drawing his attention to Conner who stood next to the treadmill they somehow managed to sneak down from the training room He nodded towards him while cradling a rabbit in his arms before M'gann quickly stood in front of him, trying to block him from view.

Where was he even supposed to begin?

Artemis suddenly jumped  up from behind a large empty wooden crate  "Why did you guys sto…Oh hey Kaldur"

Kaldur sighed and closed his eyes. Of course they were all in on this.
he took a deep breath before counting to three and deciding to face this one problem at a time.

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