The Bride-squad

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Robin wasn't use to getting so much sleep.

From a young traveling circus performer with late-night shows to a crime-fighting sidekick who worked in the cloak of darkness, he was accustomed to getting three to four hours of sleep a night…on a good day.

so after the first few days of what must have been seven to eight hours of sleep while being stuck in quarantine,  Robin was wide awake by three a.m. like clockwork.

at first, he went to the gym, after all, he would usually be fighting at this hour, but he quickly grew bored of the single training...

finally after a short training session he wound up in the living room, hoping to find something to watch the next hour or two before
he could attempt to find sleep again,but  after channel surfing for twenty minutes he sighed before heading to the kitchen to grab some cereal, leaving the tv on a random channel... He should have known nothing good would be on.

But there had to be something he could do during these hours.. but without Wally to play videogames with, or Kaldur to train, he wasn't left with very many options.. maybe he could ask Bruce for some suggestions.

He grabbed his cereal and headed back to the couch, grabbing the remote and raising it towards the TV screen when the show caught his eye... It was a bride trying to find the perfect dress for her wedding, while her family all criticized her choices in the lobby.
He wasn't sure why but He'd seen this show before…somewhere

then he remembered, Alfred watched this show with him once...
It was after One of his first nights at the manor, Before he had even become Robin or knew of Batman. 
He had awoken after another horrible nightmare, reliving his parents death and stumbled around the large empty halls of the manor, in search of the kitchen, when he found Alfred emerging from Bruce's study

"Master Dick, may I be of assistance at this late hour?"

"I was uh...I woke up…so I was looking for the kitchen, for some water.."

he didn't mention the nightmare but Alfred seemed to have understood his reasonings anyway.

after leading him to the kitchen,  He drank his tall glass of water slowly, trying to stall before having to return to his new large empty bedroom where he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep for the rest of the night.

Alfred had watched him before making a show of looking over at the clock

"oh dear, quarter past three already? I'm afraid I'm falling behind.."

Causing Dick to  raise his head "Late at this hour?... for what?"

"Well I was going to bake a cake for dinner tomorrow night, but I also need to start the biscuits for breakfast in the morning .I suppose I may have to make the cake later, since I can't possibly do both at once…"

"I..I could help.." Dick said

"Are you quite sure, it is rather late ?"

"Yeah, I'm not tired or anything, really!  …though I've never actually baked anything before...I might just slow you down.."

he slumped his head back down before an apron appeared  in front of him, he looked up to find Alfred who merely nodded 

"Very well then I accept your offer, shall we begin with the cake or the biscuits?"

a small smile appeared on Dick's face  "Definitely the cake."

though Dick merely mixed the already measured ingredients and licked the cake batter spoon, it was still a great distraction, and the first bit of fun he'd had since he left the circus.

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