Terror at Mount Justice

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The day felt especially longer for some reason.
and Robin couldn't explain why he felt so sluggish and tired.

Maybe it was the long thunderstorm that lasted threw out the entire day causing the entire mountain to seem a little gloomier,
or maybe it was just the past nine days being confined in said mountain ,

whatever the reason he was glad when nine o clock finally rolled around

"What are you an old lady now?

Wally asked as he started another level  on single-player mode "Who goes to bed at nine?"

"I don't know maybe I'm just getting bored..I'll play another round tomorrow," Robin said  with a yawn before turning down the hall where he was surprised to find Artemis was already ahead of him

They nodded to each other before going into there  rooms and closing the doors,

Robin collapsed on his bed immediately without bothering to change into pajamas, he was honestly too tired to care, besides he fell asleep almost instantly anyway.

****Dick!* ***

Robin's eyes bolted open as he heard someone shouting his name..his real name.

He quickly sat up to find his room at the mountain was below freezing, he  shivered while trying to figure out if it was real or just another dream.
but it must have been a dream, after all the only person on the team who knew his real name was Wally, and this was definitely a woman's voice...
But he didn't remember dreaming...

his blanket wasn't nearly warm enough against the odd cold causing him to sigh before rolling out of bed to find the source of the freezing temperatures.

it was most likely the cause of Artemis and Wally's thermostat war

all week they complained about how the mountain should be heated.
Wally preferred a seventy-degree room at all times where Artemis preferred at least seventy two degrees or higher insisting that anything else was just plain freezing, Wally probably turned it down too much after she went to bed for revenge.

He grabbed his extra hoodie from the closet and pulled it on before heading out to fix it, after all the whole team where probably pop cycles by now as well. 

Loud thundering came from outside the tall windows as he made a note to ask Bruce to send him one of those thermostat lock boxes,
after all this was getting ridiculous. He continued down the dark halls and was just coming up with a plan to stick ice cubes down Wally's shirt for his own revenge when he heard the voice again.


It was real...and it was close this time.

He bolted to the living room, sure he would find someone waiting, but nobody was there.

after looking around He continued to search the kitchen, training room, and long halls before the drained feeling returned from earlyier,
forcing him to slow his pace on the way back in order  to catch his breath before making it back to the rooms.

He should probably check the garage…but the temptation to go back to his room or more importantly his bed was strong, …but he had to find the voice. He couldn't have imaged it twice, and he was probably just tired from the mountain being so cold, if he changed the temp before returning the search he should be fine....right?

but still, maybe he needed backup just in case...

He made his way to Wally's door and quietly knocked.
silence followed causing him to knock a little louder, as he stood in hall shivering and glancing around, waiting for the womans voice to return. 
after a few more knocks followed silence he slowly opened the door to find Wally fast asleep.

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