Terror at mount Justice part 2

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He spun around before jolting back in the other direction, where he was sure the voice came from.

but Wally quickly caught up to him and grabbed his arm "Wow, what are you asking for the creepy voice lady to grab you?'

"That wasn't.. it was clearer this time ...it was her KF."

"What, Your mom?..c'mon Rob, You know It couldn't have been."

"I know, But it was! It was so clear…no one else could have said it like that..like the night she… I have to search again" he pushed forward but Wally grabbed his arm

"Nuh-uh we gotta go back to the team, we'll figure it all out on the ship"

"I can't wait! what if she leaves!"

"I thought that's what we wanted to happen?"

"Not now. .. I need answers, just let me go"

Robin struggled while Wally tried to grab him, He pushed his elbow into Wally's side giving him a brief second to duck and break free.
He ran forward and bolted left, knowing that Wally couldn't keep up in the dark, it was one of his greatest weaknesses, without his suits night vision glasses  anyway.
he heard her voice call out again as he ran forward.

The voice lead him back to the library, where he began searching every row of books, Wally wasn't far behind him, stumbling around in the dark trying to bring him back while occasionally whispering loud threats about calling Alfred.  

He wasn't sure how long he had been searching the room, but it was long enough for the adrenaline to finally began to wear off causing the walls to spin around him once more, he considered falling back  when he finally heard her one last time, only Three bookshelves over.

He stumbled around the shelves, looking for anyone or anything that could have made her voice, but all he could see was a thin rope on the ground... 
He kicked at it a few times before leaning forward

no, it wasn't a rope...

it was a tightrope..and beside it, two unscrewed bolts..

He jumped backward before stumbling as darkness seemed to surround him again,
"Mom?" He asked quitely

the voice called again making the walls swirl before causing him to collapse to the ground.


He awoke to find he was still shivering

He tried to sit up but M'gann quickly rushed beside him "Don't get up, you need rest."

"I need answers" He mumbled or at least he thought he did, his head seemed fogged

"Hey, there's the floor hugger!" Wally said as he flashed beside him "Man, Way to scare me back there."


"Well after I finally found you and saw you fall to the floor I heroically saved you before anyone could abduct you or anything, then I brought you back to the ship, where Artemis collapsed as soon as she boarded so I ended up saving both of you really,  Your welcome by the way"


Kaldur appeared beside them "You and Artemis both have extremely high fevers, and cold flashes, we think you've both been exposed to some sort of virus or toxin, we hope it's not the same we were placed under quarantine for but we've alerted Batman and Red tornado just the same,  they're both out on patrols now since the storm took out much of the city's power. but we should have answers by morning. "

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