Quarantine cut

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The team had just finished afternoon practice leaving the rest of the evening free while M'gann and Artemis were assigned kitchen duty.

which left Wally and Robin extra time to play the new video games Wally's uncle Barry Allen had sent them.

"C'mon Rob, it was right there!"  Wally exclaimed As the video game screen flashed another Gameover sign
"At this point, we'll never get to the castle by dinner!"

"Sorry KF, But not all of us have super speed reflexes, besides my bangs keep getting caught inside my sunglasses," Robin answered while pulling his hand back threw his dark raven hair

"Seriously though  how long has it been since you cut it? you going to grow it out or something?"  Wally asked as he grabbed his popcorn from the coffee table

"No. I was supposed to get it cut last week, but then we got exposed to this the night before." Robin answered

"Okay, But why  do you wait until it's on the edge of braiding before making hair appointments?" Wally asked

Robin sighed "It's not my fault, there's this one barber in Gotham, but he's pretty popular, so I have to wait  for them to be able to squeeze me in around school, appointments and patrols.."

"Pfft My mom cuts mine. ..For free I might add."  Wally offered the bowl to robin who grabbed a handful before replying

"Well maybe she can help with mine when we get out, I'm getting tired of this."

"Dude, I could cut yours right now," Wally said threw a mouthful of popcorn

"Uh, no."

"I'm serious! I've watched my mom cut  my dad's hair all my life, I can totally cut yours"

"Watching someone cut hair is not the same as cutting someone's hair." Robin protested while switching off the tv

"Ah come on, I won't take off much, just enough to get it out of your eyes"

"I don't think so. Why don't we just play a different videogame?"

"Alright fine, But Your on my team tonight for practice and I don't want to lose because you were too busy pulling your hair out of your face, so it's either let me trim it or borrowing a headband from M'gann to pull it back, which is it?"

"..you can't do that," Robin said

"Oh can't I? It's in the rules Kaldur gave us. The team captain calls the shots. including making a team member sit on the bench for going rogue." Wally threw another piece of popcorn in the air before catching it in his mouth

"Not letting you shave my head,  isn't going "Rouge" it's  called self-defense." Robin protested

"Not how I see it, I see it as endangering the rest of the team because you were distracted."

Robin began to protest more but Wally raised his hand "Sorry Rob. Rules are rules. trim or bench. your choice...Tho I think tonights training is capture the flag..isn't that like one of your favorite games? huh.."

Wally began the new video game while Robin sighed and ran a hand back threw his hair, but after another game over sign quickly appeared minutes later Robin finally leaned back on the couch

"I mean…You'd barely trim it right?"

"you'll barely notice a difference. just enough to get it out of your face. I mean between the sunglasses and the long hair I don't know how you're not running into walls. "

Robin sighed "Fine...Alright…I guess, maybe…"

Wally grinned "Great. I'll go find some scissors."

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