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It been a couple of days since the party and Simon and I have talked everyday until the early morning. Luckily it's no different then the normal time we go to sleep. But during these conversations we've planned to film together. Today.

I wake up this morning all excited. You know when you were a child and you were going in holiday so you wake up super early to get ready be sure you can't sleep. That's what's happened.

Because we're filming I do what I done before the party before getting changed. I don't blow dry my hair as it would be dry before I leave. I open my wardrobe and look through everything. I put on a pair of joggers that have a wind breaker material feel to them and then a cropped long sleeves top (media). Simple but still put together and cute. I look in the mirror and smile at my outfit before going to get something to eat. By this time my hair had a slight frizzy curl to it so I decided that when it dried I would slick it up into a pony tail. 

"Morning (y/n)" Tobi yawns shuffling into the room with his pyjamas still on

"Morning Tobz" I smile sitting at the table eating my cereal.

"Anything planned today?" He asks taking a seat opposite to me

"Simon and I are filming today, don't know what my either way I'm excited" I reply growing more excited

"I'm telling you, you and Simon would be good together" he says waving his spoon around 

I think about it for a moment. I do like Simon, and everyone since we've been speaking I'm the happiest I've ever been. Apart from when I'm with Tobi, but with Simon it feels different. 

"You're thinking, this can't be good" Tobi jokes

"Oh shut it" I laugh

"What up?" He asks

"I feel like what you're saying is true. But you know what happened with Ben. And I started dating him almost as soon as I first met him and I dont want a repeat of that" I sigh

Tobi looks at my with pity in his eyes, "(y/n) look" he puts his hands over mine which makes me look up at him, "I know Simon. He's a good guy. And if he ever done anything to hurt you or even put you in harms way I would murder him. No joke" 

I can tell he's being serious because Tobi almost always has a smile on his face without thinking about it but when he's saying this, he doesn't. He's got a poker face.

"And I'm sure he is a nice guy Tobz, but I don't want to rush into things and ruin it" I shrug

"Hey, listen. What happened with Ben was all him. You did nothing wrong. I know Simon, I wouldn't be friends with somebody who was mean or abusive. Take the time you need. Have fun today. You know, I could talk to Simon asking him about you if you want. You know get his side of your relationship" he smiles

"You're right. Don't talk to Simon, yet anyways" I look at my phone for the time and realise if I don't want to be late I have to go now, "sorry Tobi I've got to go. I'll see you in a bit" I say grabbing my things and going out the door.

I hear Tobi laugh slightly as I close the door behind me. As I said we don't live too far away from the other guys, walking to Simon and JJ's will probably take about 20 minutes. 

I put my AirPods in and shuffle the playlist. I find I walk quicker when listening to music, probably because of the beat. 

As I'm walking and minding my own business a couple of people stop me and ask for pictures. Some of them were just that and then we went out separate ways but others stayed and talked. Which I wouldn't normally mind but I've got to be somewhere. 

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