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One final slap across my beaten face left a stinging sensation, Alex then slowly starts to cut the ties again whist talking

"That mattress in the corner is you're new bedroom, you have one blanket and one pillow. Be grateful , I only wanted you to have the blanket but Ben wanted everything else" he scoffs, "you stay and rest because the fun has only just begun" he smiles wickedly before slamming the heavy door behind him then locking it shut.

One of my eyes were almost swollen shut and the other was okay but it was allowing me to see the black bruises and red blood that covered my body. I try to stand but when I do I collapse to the floor banging my knees on the cold concrete. I would have screamed but my throat was dry and soar from earlier screams.

With the little strength I had I crawled over to my new "bed" and wrapped the grey sheet around me laying my pounding head on the hard pillow. I close my eyes hoping to wake up soon and expect this all to be over and it just be some hellish nightmare. 

Simon? Are you coming?

I need you...

Simons pov

Following the tracks left I see that they go into the main road out of the car park.

"Fuck me! Why did I choose not to drive anymore" I sighs in frustration

I think for a minute before running back to the car. When I looked in there before I didn't see any keys. I search every little part of the car but I just couldn't find them. I walked back to the tinned food and look if they were there, it was unlikely but still a possibility. 

I kick a few cans around getting frustrated, and once again kicking things has helped me. One of the cans must have rolled into the keys on the floor making them jingle. 

I snap my head around to the noise and see them laying in the floor. 

"Finally!" I yell picking them up before doing a little celebratory dance.

I run as quickly as I can back to Pip, (y/n)'s car. I decided to name her because I feel like she needs a name because of everything that's happened okay, just leave pip and I alone.

I shove the keys in and start the car up. It takes a couple of tries but it quickly comes to life.

"Right then Pip, off to save (y/n)!" I cheer speeding out of the car park. 

I have the headlights on the brightest setting so I can see the tracks and I just follow them until I can't no more. 


(Y/n)'s pov 

"What the hell have you done Alex! When I said I missed her I didn't mean kidnap her and beat her until she's black and blue!" I hear someone whisper yell, I recognise that voice. Ben

"Look man. I was going you a favour, now she'll be yours forever!" Alex replies 

I decide to pretend to be asleep to see if the keep talking.

"This isn't right dude. You need to let her go" Ben sighs

"Too late. The crimes been committed" 

"Ask her to not tell anyone" Ben suggests, but he's soon answered with a slap that echos the room

"You're so stupid! I have no idea why she would have been with you in the first place. Idiot" Alex spits

I can see why Ben was so mean now. He gets shit from his brother and it's just rubbed off on him. Doesn't make it any less painful or traumatic when him and I was together, but it just makes it a little bit more understandable.

"Well what are we gonna do then Alex?" 

"She's all yours. I've had my fun but I will say this, I'll be back tomorrow. You have to stay here and make sure she doesn't try anything" Alex tell Ben before storming out once again.

He really does just love doing that.  

"Jesus Christ (y/n). I'm so sorry" Ben whispers. 

I hear him slide down a wall just sitting in silence. I would try and say something. But sleep just feels better. 

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