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Ben and I sit in the corner of the cold building just staring at my now useless phone. 

"Wait" Ben says breaking the silence

"What!" I say jumping slightly 

"Use my phone, Alex won't look at mine. Text somebody, and send them the location!" He says all happy 

"Ben you're a genius!" I say giving him a quick hug

Did I just really hug my ex, my abuser... yes. Yes I did.

But I mean he is helping me get help, and I do trust him. I mean he's done nothing to make me not.

I take his phone and type in Simons and Tobi's number, funny how I can remember there's but not mine. But either way I press send my location to them and wait until it says it's sent. Now we wait. I just hope that they believe it. I go to type a message after but the door begins to freak open.

I shove the phone back into Bens hands. 

"Hit me" I whisper to him 

"What?" He whispers back confused

"Just do it, do you want to get caught!" I whisper yell

He gives me a sorry look before turning around to see if he can understand why I'm acting the way I am. He sees Alex enter and sends me another apologetic look before slapping my face leaving a red hand print and a burning feeling on my cheek.

He hasn't lost his hit.

"Atta boy" Alex celebrates by punching the air

He's too happy about somebody getting hurt.

Ben stands up from his kneeling position and rushes over to Alex

"What are we going to do with her?" Ben asks trying to play along with the 'mean guy' persona

"Keep her here. Starve her a bit more, do some more damage. Basically what we've been doing already" he shrugs

"When do we stop? When she dies!" Ben yells wanting this all to end now

Alex turns around and punches Ben in the stomach, "until she's dies. Now stop trying to make it a nicer stay for the slut and go beat her some more" he pushes Ben towards me

Ben faces back to Alex who just stares him down. 

Ben looks at me once again with a small tear trying to escape. I give him scared eyes because I know that he's going to hurt me. Even if he doesn't want to. It's either Ben or Alex, and I'd rather Ben. He doesn't want to do it, but Alex does. 

"Please" I whimper 

Ben kicks my ribs causing me to lay on my side curled up in a ball. 

"More!" Alex orders whilst facing away opting the draws.

"I'm sorry" Ben whisper closing his eyes kicking me again but this time it hit my head. My nose bleeds and my head. I start to feel dizzy and a pain shoot through my head, I mean I did just get kicked in the head.

"Where's here stupid phone!" Alex yells slamming a draw shut

He marches over and crouches down to me grabbing my hair and pulling me up to look at him.

"Have you been having a little explore whilst I was gone huh?" He asks sternly

I shake my head

He scoffs before slamming my head back down and spitting on me. 

"Ben, have you?" He asks in the same time he asked me 

"I did, I saw her phone and took it because I thought that because the draw was unlock she could get into it and try and use it" he replies trying his best not crack under the pressure of Alex's stare

"Give it" Alex demands holding his hand out

Ben places my phone onto his hand, he grasps it tightly before throwing it across the room making it smash on the wall before hitting the floor with a bang. 

Yeah that's not going to be working any more.

"Ben, a word" Alex says grabbing bens arm and dragging him outside leaving me alone in my own blood and tears.

Simons pov

In total I got about 2 hours of sleep. Having your girlfriend kidnapped and not having any lead on who done it or where she is isn't something you can just peacefully sleep about. It's even worse when you're sleeping in her bedroom. I glance over to the silver clock on her wall and see that's it's 5 in the morning. I know I'm tired but my worry and adrenaline is keeping me awake. I hear a faint knock at the door.

"Simon can I come in? I haven't slept and I'm getting worried" Tobi asks peering his head out of the door. You can visibly see how tired he is. The dark circles under his eyes, the ones that come with red half open eyes. 

"Sure man. I haven't slept much either" I reply with a slight laugh to try and lighten everything up slightly. 

He tiredly walks over to the bed and sits facing me, "What now?" He asks

I shrug my shoulders, "we could go back to where I was, see if we can see anything in the light" 

"It's all we've got. What do we have to lose" he says getting up again. Probably to have a shower and get changed

"Let me go get you some clothes so you don't smell like a year 7 after pe. I'm going to have a shower, I suggest you do the same" 

I nod my head and wait for Tobi to come back with the clothes. 

Obviously sidemen ones because it's the only ones that are here that would fit me. 

"Be ready in 30 minutes" I say Tobi because I know how long he takes to get ready. 

He closes the door and we begin to get ready.

(Time skip) 

The ride here took about and hour and a half, we could have been here quicker but we wanted to check everywhere as we drove, just in case I missed anything. 

But here we are. At the same spot I was last night, the end of the tyre tracks. 


I know I've left it off at the same place as I did for the last part for Simon with the tyre tracks but this books going to be a shorter one so I want to have as many chapter as I could without there only being like one paragraph on each one. Most of these chapters still have about 1000 words in them.

The next one is most likely to be only Simons pov, so quite a short one just to get everything back to one time line instead of jumping back and forth. 

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