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"Do you really have to go?" Tobi asks giving me a hug whilst we stand at the airport

"It's what's best for me, but you never know I might come back once I'm back in a good mind set" I mumble into his chest

"What's going to happen with us?" Simon wonders

I think about it for a moment before giving my answer, "I think it's better if we aren't together. We both need time to look after ourselves, and being in a long distance relationship is going to be tough. I'm going the other side of the work Simon, and the fact that when we lived a few minutes away from each other we could see each other every day, we won't be able to do that. And I don't think I'm ready for a relationship, as I said. I just need time" I smile sadly before giving him a kiss in the cheek.

I grab my suitcases, "I guess this is goodbye for a while" 

"I'll miss you, we haven't been this far away from each other in years, it's going to be weird" Tobi chuckles sadly 

"Yeah. I'll miss you all. I'll call every now and then just to keep me in the loop" 

"Flight to Australia is boarding in 10 minutes" the women over the speakers announces

"That's me" I say, " I better hurry don't want to kiss the flight" I laugh before giving them both one final hug before walking away

I don't look back, I know that if I do then I won't be able to leave. 


I get outside of the airport and I'm greeted by one of my old friends. During sixth form I met a girl  called Lauren, we were best friends, she's always been there for me, even though her and her family moved to Australia when she finish school we kept in touch. I told her that I was planning to move, and she said that she was looking for a roommate, so here I am. Going to live with my old best friend. 

"(Y/n)!" She yells as I hear her running over to be engulfing me in a massive over due hug 

"Hey Lauren" I giggle hugging her back

"Ready to move? I can't believe it's been so long since we've seen each other" she smiles taking one of my bags 

"Duh! And hadn't it just. I missed you so much" 

"I missed you to" she smiles, "right let's get you home and then we can surprise my family with you. They know somethings happing with a roommate but I didn't tell them who it was, they're going to get the shock of their lives when you walk in" she giggles all excitedly 


"Surprise!" Lauren yells pulling me into the living room where all of her family who I hadn't seen in years sat

"(Y/n)?  Oh my! You look so pretty!" Her mum hugs me, it looks like she's about to cry 

"How are you love?" Her step dad asks

"I'm pretty good. Excited to see you all again, I missed you all when you lived but now that I'm here it's doesn't quite feel real" 

"You'll be fine. We'll be your second family" her mum smiles 

"Hey sorry I'm late I was just stopping to get som-" Lauren brother walks into the room, and once he sees me his jaw drops, and so does the packets of sweets he just bought.

He come over to me and gives me a big hug, just like Lauren.

"Jesus Christ, what the hell are you doing here?" He asks

"Calm down Connor. I'm moving in with your sister" I laugh

"Wait you're the new roommate?" He asks picking up his sweets 

I nod my head

"The gang has reunited!" He shouts earning a stare from his mum

I think moving is going to take some time to get used to, but all in all I think it's a good idea. 

You never know, moving could be my life saver. 

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