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"Uh Alex! Thank god you're here. I don't think I would have managed to fight them all" Ben says trying to make it sound true but it's one of the most fakes things I've heard, you can tell just by the tone of his voice. 

"Cut the bullshit Ben! Why would you do this to me? After all I don't this for you! Because you couldn't keep the girl" Alex yells

"I didn't do anything!" He argues

"Oh so (y/n) is lying" Alex replies giving him the raised eyebrows, "and these two idiots found this place all on their own and just somehow know (y/n)" 


"Shut the fuck up! I'm so done with you. I thought we were a team but I guess that's a lie to" Alex huffs

Tobi, Simon and I are still huddled together, we shuffled into the corner making us less visible to the two brothers arguing.

But that didn't work because Alex then turns to us before he speaks

"Oi. The lanky one" he starts, Simon pivots to himself asking if it's him "of course you ya prick, who are you" 

"Uh, Uh" Simon stutters 

"Spit it out"

"Simon, (y/n)'s boyfriend" 

Alex shakes his head slightly in annoyance as he faces Ben again 

"You want to be with (y/n) right?" Ben nods his head,

"But I don't want to ruin their relationship. She's happy with him she wasn't with me" 

"Oh blah blah blah. We can get rid of him and then she's all yours" Alex says, eyes wide.

"What's that supposed to-" I say before getting shocked by what Alex pulls out (innuendo 😉)

"Alex put that down!" Ben yells 

"This little thing" he says motioning to the gun that's still pointing at Simon, "I don't think I can do that now. You want to be her boyfriend, and unlike you I don't like to disappoint my brother" 

My legs start to go weak as I see Simon begin to shake as the gun points at his chest. 

Even though I'm struggling to balance I push myself away from Tobi and in front of Simon

"What are you doing!" Simon asks 

"You wouldn't even be here if I hadn't gone to the shops late at night on my own. You're here because of me, you don't deserve to die"

"Well neither do you" Simon argues back 

"Well to be honest Simon neither of us do but look where we are!" I throw my arms around motioning to our surroundings 

"Two for one! What a deal!" Alex says steadying his aim

When you're out in this type of situation people always say your life flashes before your eyes and that everything slows down. Which is true, memories of Ben and I come back, good and bad. Partying with Tobi and Josh at university flash by. The night on the balcony with Simon. But also the fact that I had spoken to my family for a while, how would they feel that they hadn't heard from their daughter and them when they do it's news that's she's dead. 

The second thing is now, apart from everything is slowed down. Alex's ginger slowly presses on the trigger, Tobi in the corner with tears reaching his hand out as he begins to run for us, Simon wrapping his arms around me accepting death and just wanting to spend the last few seconds hugging me. 

And finally Ben, he looks a bit like Tobi, running towards us, apart from instead of holding his arms out wanting to reach for us, his are more looking like he wants to push us.

I see a small tear fall down and onto his cheek before running down his face, he has a small smile on as he gets right next to us. 

Everything seems to get back to normal, no more memories, no more slow motion m.

I tense up, so does Simon as we hear the loud bang of the gun shot 

"No!" Alex shouts


I think I'll do two more chapters and then I should think that's the end of this book! 

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