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Simons pov 

The tracks have stopped. But in the middle of no where. Just in the middle of a road with nothing around them. No pathways or off road tracks. I can see that they haven't gone on the grass either. 

Back at square one. 

I climb out of the car and try and find service. I finally do after walking a bit away from the car.

"Hey man, found anything?" 

"I did but now I'm back at square one. What I was following have stopped so now I'm just in the middle of the road" I sigh talking to Tobi on the phone

"Send me your location" he asks

I do as he says and send it to him

"It's a one way road, so they probably carried in going" he says after what I assume looking up where I was

"Now what?" I say to myself but out loud to see if Tobi can think of anything

"Mate, I think you should come back, we have the location so we can carry this in tomorrow, it's almost 4 in the morning you've been going at this for hours, you need sleep" he pleads


"Get back in the car and come back to mine. We'll both pick this up tomorrow once we've slept. I know you want to find her as quickly as possible, but I'm sure she would want you to have slept. I know what you're like when you haven't slept, it's not pretty."

"Fine. Be back soon" I say hanging up the phone

I jog back to the car and start my drive back. 

Please be safe (y/n). I'll be there soon

(Y/n)'s pov and Time skip

The sun breaks through the small gaps in the wood that's been nailed against the windows dimly lights the room. Sleeping on a mattress with springs as hard as nails in and a blanched so thin you can practically see through it means that I didn't get a good sleep, which is why I'm up at an extremely early time.

"Hey. So before you say anything, I'm so sorry you're here. Long story short I really missed you after you left, not at first though. I was sleeping a round with any girl but nothing really came of them. I ended up seeing the way I treated you was extremely selfish of me because I was just using you to my pleasure and then when something didn't go my way I took it out on you, and for that I'm sorry. I know it doesn't make it up, just two words. And I know this won't either, but I've looked around a little and I found where Alex was hiding your things" Ben blurts out after running towards me

I'm not too sure how to feel about Ben, I mean he's keeping me captive too, but at the same time he's trying to help. I don't know how to feel. When he said about my stuff it gives me a boost of energy which I didn't have prior. Maybe I can text someone. 

"Do you have my phone?" I ask eagerly 

"Good news or bad news?" He asks

"It doesn't matter. Just tell me!" I exclaim 

"Okay, okay. Well good news is that I do, bad news is that it's out of charge" he frowns, as do I

"When will Alex be back?" I ask after a thought enters my head 

"He said sometimes in the after noon. Why?"

"I'll stay here just in case, but don't you have a charge in your car, you always used to, you could maybe charge it a little in there and then bring it back to me" I tell him my thoughts hoping he'll agree

He paused for a second, "why didn't I think of that! Duh, of course I could have charged it" he chuckles 

I just stare at him with a straight face, he's wasting time. 

He looks at me with a couple fused face, "What?" He asks stupidly, "oh shit yeah, I'll be back as soon as I can"

And with that he raced off closing the door behind him. Not slamming it like his brother.

Time skip 

I spent the hour Be  was away just looking around the place, half of the draws were locked, aside the one my phone was in was, but the ones that weren't scared me a little. 

One had rope and zip ties, nothing too bad.

Then another had small knives and razors, getting worse

But the worse was a single draw that had a pistol in. Once I saw it my heart stopped and I was frozen in place. I couldn't even bring myself to touch it. Not like I could any way, the gun laid in a clear case locked with a padlock. I quickly closed the draw hoping that I won't see it again. Because I bet if I do, it won't just be to look at.

"Yo (y/n)! It's alive!" Ben shouts making me jump

"Don't scare me like that, I thought it was Alex!" I say slapping his arm

"Sorry, Uh here's your phone back" he says passing me my phone with 40% battery. And hour, for 40%. 40%...

"Thanks Ben" I smile running back over to my corner.

I open my phone and go onto my contacts. 

But nothing was there. 

"He's deleted everyone" I sigh

I look on my phone some more and see he's deleted all of my apps. I have no idea how he got into my phone. Well maybe I do have a small idea. I haven't changed my password for ages so he's probably seen me type it in before when my id didn't work.

"It's like a brand new phone" I huff

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