"Pip pip, talley-o Ed's!" Richie cried out in an over-exaggerated but quite agreeable English accent as his bike crunched onto the pavement outside the Kaspbraks small home.

Richie's stomach felt weird, a nice weird, like someone was tickling him from inside his belly. Like butterflies I guess. Eh, it was nothing new, he always felt that way when he saw Ed's. His pretty, chestnut locks that would flop over his forehead in the winter and be brushed back in the summer. His eyebrows, that were often raised whenever Richie made an offensive joke. His sparkling, deep brown eyes and those long, thick eyelashes....


Richie was snapped out of his daydream and his magnified eyes drifted to Eddie, Eddie who was standing right in front of him, his hair just like he had imagined, his eyebrows raised-

And a slight smile on his lips.

"Ed's, my man!" Richie grinned comically, unconscious of his bright pink cheeks, and punched Eddie playfully on the shoulder. Eddie's face contorted, a mixture of annoyance and something quite different that Richie couldn't read. Eddie clutched his shoulder protectively whilst Richie snorted, trying to hold in his laughter.

"That hurt, dipshit!"

"That's the idea, Eds. Look whose the dipshit now, dumbass!"

"Don't call me that Richie!"

"Dumbass or or Ed's?" Eddie and Richie rolled their bikes onto the road, the mild bickering greatly amusing Richie, by the satisfied smile that wouldn't seem to budge off his lips.

"Your pathetic, Richie. You know that right?"

Richie's smile faltered slightly as he stared straight forwards, his eyes swimming with some sort of emotion Eddie knew too well. The boys mounted their bikes and kicked off into the broad road. He could feel Eddie steal a quick glance at him and his stomach squirmed.

Holy shit, Rich. Calm your tits. He just glanced at you. Fucking glanced, man. Don't get too excited.

His thoughts scolded him as the two boys made a swift corner down Maddison Turn.

"I'm sorry, Rich."

Richie smiled, confused.

Don't play dumb, Trashmouth. He's Eddie, god dammit. He knows what hurts.

"Bout what Ed's?" The small curl of anguish that was left in Richie's face disappeared as his lips slowly curled into a brilliant grin.

"You didn't fuck my mom, did you Ed's? You know only I have 'I can fuck your mom' rights!"

Richie stole a side-glance at Eddie, his grin still as huge as before.

"You did fuck my mom! You little bastard Ed's. I knew you were feeling hor-"

Eddie's cheeks turned bright pink as Richie erupted into laughter. Richie couldn't help but notice the small, knowing grin that played on Eddie's lips.

Eddie's lips.

Richie's smile faded and his eyes slid down to stare at them a while.

Jesus fuck, Rich. Fucking control yourself,  his thoughts scolded, but Richie didn't listen. His heart thumped out of his chest and the tiny, fluttering butterflies intensified. His eyes slid back up Eddie's face to meet his eyes, those damn eyes. Richie felt a sharp but almost gentle feeling, stab his heart.

God, they were staring at eachother.

They probably looked like a couple of dodgy-ass queers standing in the middle of the road, like this.

That's because you are dumbass.

But Richie pushed his thoughts aside. Eddie's eyes, that were large with what looked like somewhat hope as he stared at Richie's, flickered to the ground, embarrassed, ashamed.

Richie's eyes broke away from Eddie's slowly to face the ground. But his heart was swollen with love, love that felt so deep anyone could drown in it. Love even more dangerous than the clown they had fought last summer. Richie glanced back up to Eddie to meet his eyes again. Richie smiled, but not the original 'Richie smile' that always seems to play on his lips. A different sort of smile. A smile that creased his pale, soft cheeks and made his eyes glitter like dark crystals.

Whatever that smile was....it made Eddie realise what love felt like.

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