"Do you believe in love?" Richie asked his friends.

He knelt upon his bedrooms window-seat, his heart heavy and his eyes red-rimmed from crying as he held his head out the open window into the summer air and watched the sun set over the trees. The Losers stood alongside their closest companion as they always did, in silence.

Richie felt another tear fall down his hot cheek- he wiped it away with the scrunched tissue in his hands.

"I said, do you believe in love?"

The Losers threw one another strange stares, their eyes large with confusion- but not Beverly and Bill. Beverly looked back to Richie, who still sat crying on his window sill, and back to Bill who met her stare as he always did. He nodded and took her hand in his.

Both had been touched by the tender finger of love, one afternoon as they kissed on the riverbank two summers ago. Both had come to know love well; they knew it through dreams and denial, phone calls and stares that give you butterflies. They knew it through teasing and first kisses, shame and sweet spots.

They knew love well... and they knew that that was what their two friends shared. Love. 

"I believe in love, Richie." she said, honesty in her words and knowing in her voice, reaching out to massage her friend's shoulders with gentle hands as she too stared at the sun set. Bill leant his head on Beverly's shoulders, his arms wrapping around her waist and pulling her close from behind.

"I believe in love too." Bill said, his voice low and muffled by Beverlys dress of flowers.

Bill Denbrough did not stutter. Beverly rubbed the skin of his forearms around her waist tenderly, moving her hands from Richie's shoulders. Stan spoke up, his face red.

"I don't understand any of this! I don't understand why Richie's crying, I understand love the least- "

"Some day, Stan, you will know someone with a heart that makes you feel like home- then you will understand."

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