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"I can't believe your making us do this, Beverly."

"It can't be much different from kissing a girl right?"

"Well, what do they say, eh Haystack? Friends bonded by a kiss."

"N-n-no ones says that, Richie."

"Don't go all 'no homo' on me now, Big Bill! Eddie agrees with me, right Ed's?"

Eddie, who had been staring at the Coke bottle, the Coke bottle what would, unknowingly, change his future, flickered up to face Richie who was grinning at him with a...no....flirty...expression on his face. Eddie's stomach plunged into butterflies and his cheeks blushed pink.

Fuck you Eddie!

He was sorry for himself, he couldn't help it. But he still smiled, as the atmosphere, once awkwardly cold between the boys, changed with a great rush of familiar warmth.

"Don't fucking ask me sucker."

Richie smiled harder at Eddie's comment. Eddie's stomach did a backflip.

"It's easy for you two to say." Mike muttered, just loudly enough for the Losers to hear.

"What the shit does that mean?" Richie raised his eyebrows mockingly, his smile still playing on his lips. Eddie glanced at Richie to Mike and frowned, trying to conceal the fireworks blowing off in his heart, from imagining what it would be like to kiss Richie, looking so beautiful... as he had in his dream.

"You know what it means, Rich."

"You too, Haystack? If anyone's queer here, it's Ed's, for sure!"

Eddie's stomach erupted into millions of squirming beetles, bugs and butterflies, a whole jungle living in his soul. Eddie threw Richie a disgusted look, his face bright red.

"Fuck you Rich, fuck you."

"Can you lovers just shut the hell up so we can play?"

The Losers Club mumbled and settled down in their original circle. Eddie caught Bill throwing Bev a look, a look that obviously said 'Ya better not like anyone's kisses more than mine!'

Beverly winked at Bill and Bills cheeks blushed a bright pink as he grabbed Bevs waist pulling her down next to him. Eddie glanced at the couple and back at Richie, who was arguing with Stan about something probably quite ridiculous. He glanced back up at Beverly and Bill to see Beverlys grinning back at him. Bev raised her eyebrows at Eddie knowingly and laughed when Eddie's cheeks flushed like a young boys.

Eddie looked away hurriedly. That bitch saw nothing, nothing at all. Right? Right. Relax, Eddie.

It was Bill who reached for the bottle and spun it first. Eddie could almost feel everyone's hearts thumping in their chests, most of them were sharing their first kisses.

Eddie would be sharing his first kiss.

He hoped it would be with-


The Losers erupted into cackling laughter as the colour drained from Stanley Urises face.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" the group chanted playfully, almost like they were little kids, not 15 year old teenagers.

"Well shit." Stan tried to look anywhere but Bills bright pink face.

"N-no h-h-huh-homo, Stan."

Stan glanced back up at Bill and nodded.

"Right," He turned to Bev, "I'm going to kill you Beverly Marsh."

Beverly just laughed harder and clapped Bill on the back.

"Don't go all lovey lovey on Stan, Billy. He better not be a better kisser than me."

Bill shuffled closer to Stan, who glared straight back at Bill, with an expression that wasn't really angry at all.

Bill leaned forward his lips meeting Stan's.

The group erupted into cheers and laughter as Bill pulled away from Stan, hurriedly, an strange expression on his handsome face. He wiped his lips on his sleeve.

And so the game rolled on.

Bill kissed Mikey, Mikey kissed Ben, Ben kissed Beverly (you could say the kiss lasted longer than any other had, in which Ben squeezed his eyes shut and his cheeks radiated with a pink glow until Bill pulled Beverly back into his arms, protectively.)

Beverly kissed Rich, and Eddie felt odd all of a sudden.

He felt his whole body tighten and his skin crawl, his heart thumping as he watched Richie give a flirty grin and call out in one of his voices: "Good luck to you Bevvie, and good luck to anyone who meets these lips!"

He made slight eye contact with Eddie who blushed furiously as Richie winked at him. Eddie felt like he could almost die. Of either second-hand embarrassment for his best friend or because....because of something else. Eddie watched him as he winked at Beverly and took her pretty face in his pale hands that Eddie so wanted to hold, and kiss her delicately upon the lips.

The kiss only lasted for a couple of seconds but Eddie suddenly felt a sudden hatred towards Bev.

Jealousy, jealousy.

"Your a good kisser, Rich!"

Richie stood up and bowed smiling broadly, as the group applauded him, laughing. Eddie tutted, jealousy boiling inside him. Richie glanced at Eddie and a smile radiated off his face.

"Don't go getting too jealous, Eddie, I'm sure you'll get your chance!"

Eddie stared up at Richie barely holding his lying 'disgusted' face together, instead his insides boiled with something else, something quite extraordinary.

"Don't be a douche, Rich. I can't imagine anyone in their right fucking mind wanting to kiss you." Eddie shot back, although his retort sounded quite weak.

Richie raised his eyebrows playfully, leaning down to Eddie's level, his eyes twinkling. He licked his lips and bit them, trying to hold back a smile as Eddie practically drooled, staring at his lips, longingly, his face completely changed.

"J-juh-juh- jeez, you t-too. D-duh-dont get too c-comfortable."

Eddie blushed deeply and glared at Bill, his stomach flipping.

"Shut the fuck up Bill."

Beverly got to her feet and put her hands to her hips, as if declaring a righteous war. Only she was smiling.

"Right then. Now it's you guys's turn!" Her finger shot towards Eddie and then to Richie.

"Go on! Kiss!"

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