The boys continued the rest of their journey in almost uncomfortable silence. Richie could still feel the intense, sweetly burning sensation in his stomach from...whatever happened earlier. He stole a couple of hopeful glances at Eddie, hoping to meet his peaceful stare again, only to be greeted with a cold and tense atmosphere that slightly scared Richie.

Jesus fuck Rich. You scared the shit outta him. Congratulations man.

These thoughts paraded through his clouded mind. Eddie continuously stared straight ahead, a glassy and a 'absolutely nothing happened' look in his deep brown eyes and his sweet pink lips in a thin, straight line. His cheeks very pink (he had to use his inhaler multiple times throughout the remainder of the journey to the Barrens).

After, 7 more minutes of silence between Eddie and Richie, they turned their bikes through the summer blades in the Barrens - towards what felt like the safe haven of their friendship.

The Losers. If Richie had said nothing much had changed since last summer his nose would be long. Longer than Pinocchios!

Big Bill had succeeded his nickname by grower at least 5 inches taller, his autumn hair had grown slightly longer near the front, adding to his quite handsome features. His soft, deep-set blue eyes had darkened a shade making him look even more mature than the rest of the Losers and he had even started gaining muscle.

Yes, damn muscle, Richie cursed, thoughtfully.

Bev was still as stunning as ever, quite obviously. She was the one who had changed the most, likely. Her rich, ginger curls had grown since last year, into a delicate bob that settled on her shoulders. That fiery hair, that shone when the sunlight hit it.

It's a wonder you've never crushed oh her, Rich, his thoughts teased unmercifully.

Her fair skin that would remind anyone of white velvet... her upturned nose littered with sweet freckles and her rosy-red lips that were almost always curled into a daring smile. Beverly had grown an inch too, adding to her beauty, her waist now more curved and petite, fitting perfectly with the girlish dresses she wore on a basis.

Then there was Stan. Good old Stan The Man, Richie's thoughts blazoned fondly. He had grown taller too, almost Big Bills height now and his deep blonde curls were often brushed neatly behind his ears. Stan's figure wasn't doing too badly either, he was lean and slightly broad-shouldered and Richie almost sworn his nose had shrunk since summer, or maybe just his face had just grown, who would ever really know? Stan was more the listening type, anyways.

Ahh, Haystack. Benny-Boy. Ben. Ben Hanscom. Luckily, he's still tubbier than ever! At least, there's something for you to tease him about, eh Rich?  Bens dark blonde hair had been cropped short by his mother, he hated it getting in his eyes. But Bens smile could still light up any room, no matter what his weight was.

Mike had definitely grown since last summer. His dark corkscrew curls had been cropped shorter to his head and his handsome features had flourished, his deep shining eyes, that always seemed to twinkle with adventure and his long thick eyelashes. Mike was now as tall as Stan, and that boy had some strength too.

How comes everyone's getting buff, eh? Here you are Rich, still as twiggy as before!

Bill and Bevvie looked up from when they had been staring into each others eyes, giggling about something probably not even the slightest bit funny and smiled broadly. Stan glanced up from his bird book, and sighed with exaggerated force, only Richie could read the small smile that he tried to conceal. Ben gave a jolly laugh and put down his notebook, in which Richie could decipher a few pencil sketches. Mike's nature head snapped up from the river, and he grinned extraordinarily. Richie felt his heart glow with something that felt almost as powerful as earlier.

"Morning losers!"

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