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The softness of Richie's voice brought Eddie back to reality. His head turned slowly, an indescribable expression etched onto his young face. His scarred eyes met with Richie's, whose eyes widened with a deep concoction of love, anxiety and fear. Eddie hadn't seen Richie look scared since he broke his arm last year.

Broke your arm....thanks to that fucker...Pennywise.

Eddie broke from Richie's stare, his skin crawling, almost aching for his touch. He turned to face the other Losers who stared at Eddie and the Coke bottle, which had somehow appeared in Eddie's hand, almost by instinct, with the same expression of deja-vu horror. They all sat in horrified silence for about a minute until Beverly's choking words, broke the emptiness.

"No-." she choked, her eyes glittering with tears, "No, we promised. We promise we would try and forget."

"We also promised we would come back, Beverly."

The Losers eyes swivelled unexpectedly to Stanley, the words in which he had spoken seemed more likely to come from Bills mouth. Stan's eyes were wet and his expression was unreadable. Almost scary. Silence filled the hollowness again, the gang expecting Richie to crack a joke and everything go back to normal. But something had changed in the atmosphere. Like a jigsaw piece fitting into space. The silence snapped in two, as Beverly stood up, boldly yet nervously.

"I-I have an idea."

The Losers stared at her as she crouched down to pick up the Coke bottle, which carried so many memories and place it in the middle of the circle. She stood back up and put her hands on her hips, smiling anxiously.

"Spin the bottle, anyone?"

The Losers Clubs eyes zoomed from the Coke bottle -longing to be swung- to Beverlys anxious smile.

Each of the boys mouths hung open like drawers in a dresser.

Sweetspot - ReddieHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin