Holy shit and fucking mother of God!

Eddie Kaspbrak, yes sir, Eddie fucking Kaspbrak had just climbed onto his roof, his fucking roof, and climbed down a fucking drainpipe!

Without accidents. Okay yes, he was goddamn terrified about it, almost giving up and settling with the deeply, depressive and stinging feeling in his chest, but no! All he had to do was picture Richie in his mind, Richard Tozier indeed, and he always got recharged with this new feeling of desire and...and....whatever the hell else.

Eddie's smirked up with pride at Kaspbrak's roof, in which he had just climbed.

Holy crap, I've just climbed a roof. What the fuck dude.

Eddie's eyes faltered and a glassy, horrified expression flooded his once gleeful face. He could feel the harsh feeling wrapping around his oesophagus, his insides tightening with panic as he snatched his aspirator from his pocket, (it had been too risky to try and grab his fannypack, luckily no pills were due yet that morning and Eddie meant to be back before his mother woke) and pulled the trigger with immense force.

The medicinal taste flushed his throat, relaxing his stressed muscles. Taking a deep breath, Eddie slipped down onto his rear, settling on the edge of the curb, anxiety brewing.

Was he crazy, doing this? It was dangerous to be out in the early morning like this, right? Right. He should head back. See Richie later, perhaps?

No! Fuck you Eddie! You have an appointment  nine o'clock sharp! And your crazy mom made it very clear that you would be staying at home, in bed for the next two days. Gee. That fucking stupid 'I've got a headache' plan didn't plan out too well, did it?

These thoughts raced the tracks of his mind as Eddie tapped his foot on the edge of the curb, creating an anxious beat, going along its the anxious music that filled his ears....his throat tightened again-

No. I have to do this. I have too! I need see him. I need to kiss him. Touch him. Fuck, touch him. Fuck.

He knew his heart would never forgive him if he didn't see Richie right now. Eddie slowly stood up, with shaking legs, whether from anticipation or from the latter but he didn't care anymore. He was going to see Richie. He was going to let that boy know that he loved him.

Your hearts home to me, just as mine is to yours, Rich, I swear.

A smile crept onto Eddie's mouth.

Thoughts of Richie tended to bring a familiar warmth that made Richie forget what he was scared of.

Eddie grasped his bike, the metal warm from the morning sunlight, and kicked off. As Eddie Kaspbrak picked up speed, the wind blowing in his grinning face, the simply delicious feeling of adrenaline coursing through his veins, which was almost peculiar to a boy rarely exposed to adventure.

Apart from last summer. Last summer. Not even that bastard clown could kill his heart now.

Pennywhore. Eddiewhore in about ten minutes time.

There he was.

Eddie's heart beat quickened as he dropped his bike in expected surprise as he stared up at Richie's bedroom window. It was shut and he could see the outline of his curtains. His heart fluttered. Eddie ran across the Toziers front lawn and his head swivelled upwards, the sun glinting. Eddie shielded his eyes with a hand and squinted up at his lovers window.

I need to wake this beautiful bitch up. Rocks. I need rocks.

Eddie's mind fell to last summer, the savage rock fight.

Eddie's eyes scanned Richie's front-yard. He locked visions with a small pile of rocks that perched below a tree.

Of course! The rocks from last week! Everyone knew it was Rich who had the best rocks in his yard so the Losers had come over to collect a bunch, so they could take them down to the dumpster and well...you know...break some bottles. Oh, I was not eager, no sir. But he had still helped collect the rocks, anything that would keep Sonia out of his hair.

Perhaps now I'm all brave, I can try. Thanks Rich.

Grinning stupidly at this memory, Eddie dashed over to the pile of rounded rocks, and snatched a few from a ground, juggling them in soft hands.

Eddie Kasbrak squinted as he aimed his first stone.

Alright, Eddie, I know your a beginner at...at...rock throwing but please throw straight.'

Eddie would have kissed the stone good luck, but his stomach churned uneasily at the thought of how many germs were thriving about on its smooth surface. He watched as the stone soared through the whistling breeze, and eventually after what felt like forever, watched it clash against Richie Toziers window.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Eddie whispered to himself, under his breath, anticipating. "Come on, Rich! Wake up you lazy bastard!"

Eddie threw another stone, this one hitting just under the windowsill.

"Shit!" Eddie hissed, some of his past confidence knocked. Only a bunch left.

Eddie stood on Richie's lawn for what felt like hours, holding his breath whenever a rock hit his window. His hair was slightly out of place by now, and a few steady beads of sweat shone on his forehead. His eyes were focused, yet behind it you could sense something else, something deeper than just a boy wanting to see his 'friend'.


His hands shook unsteadily with every throw and his legs felt like Jell-O.


His last rock. His hand paused slightly before reaching for it but screw it.

For Richie.

Eddie picked up the rock and stared at it for a while with piercing heat.

"Wake him up for shits sake ." And then the stone soared, oh hell did it soar, and 'clang' it hit the window. Eddie stumbled backwards, surprised at his throw and his mouth slightly open in a bated-breath '0'.

Eddie waited, his heart pummelling with desire and his blood flowing with love, about to burst.

But no one came to the window. No one. After a roughly 30 seconds, his anticipation slowed and his blood flow was spoiled by disappointment.

With an groan, Eddie slumped onto Richie's lawn, his eyes drifting down to the newly-cut grass.

Allergies are bad this time of year. I should leave.

"Ed's? Since when the fuck can you throw rocks?"

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