Summer breeze blew through the ebony curls of Richie's hair as he biked down his road faster than he ever has before.

He felt so alive. So fucking happy.

His mom had been supportive. Hell, had she been supportive! In fact, she was fucking overjoyed! Proud!

Proud! Of me! For liking dick! What a world!

"What a world!" Richie Tozier cheered.

Laughing with splendour as he turned a tight corner to Bills house, where he could already see the figure of Stan Uris, propping his bike up neatly against the other Losers bikes and Silver.

Stan whipped around in shock at Richies hooligan cries.

"What the hell happened to you?!" Stan cried out, a small smile pulling at his mouth.

Richie zoomed up the Denbrough's drive, sitting on the seat of his bike and then skidding round and jumping off, a laugh escaping him.

"Fucking hell, Stan. You've missed out on a lot, bud."

The two boys, Stanley throwing Richie curious smiles as Richie grinned, walked up Bills drive and banged on his front door. After, knocking, Richie leant against it and grinned lazily at a half-smiling Stanley, who stood with his arms crossed.

"Has anyone told you how handsome you are, Stan The Man?"

Stanley blushed furiously and his smile whipped into a harsh frown.


Richie brought his hand up to scratch the top of his head of dark curls, comedically, signature smirk curling his lip.

"Whats wrong with complimenting my incredibly handsome, hot and sexy friend, Stan?"

The Denbrough's front door creaked open and Richie fell backwards into Bill.

"Dear god! It's my other incredibly handsome, hot and sexy friend!"

Bill, gripping the fallen Richie in strong hands grinned down at him and pushed him back up towards Stan, who wrinkled his nose at how only one of Bills socks poked from beneath his Converse.

"T-t-thought that was E-E-E-Eddie, Rich?"

"You tease me." Richie winked at him squeezed past Bill into the hallway that smelt like summer and tea meeting Mrs Denbrough, who was wearing a floral dress, with a wriggle of his brow.

"Looking very pretty today, Mrs D." Mrs Denbrough paused in the hallway with her hand on her hip, her eyebrows raised but her lips smiling.

"Don't try that one again, Mr Tozier."

"You know I can't help it!" Richie turned and shrugged at Mrs Denbrough with a smirk, already halfway up the stairs.

Beverly basked on Bills bed with her hands on her breast, laughing uncontrollably at something Ben had said whilst he smiled down at her. Mike sat the opposite way on Bills desk-chair and raised his hand and grinned when the rest lumbered in.

"Looking perky, Richie!" Mike called out.

"How did things go with Eddie, Rich?" Beverly said, suddenly sitting up and smiling at Richie expectantly.

"Pretty well, by the looks of it." Ben grinned offering Richie a chip from his packet of Lays, freshly opened, the savoury relish of the mixture floating up his nose.

Richie grinned at them all and tapped his nose secretively.

After all, Eds had never mentioned if he wanted the others to know straight away. A bit of teasing wouldn't hurt though. Richie nodded at Ben thankfully and reached for a chip.

"So, did you fuck him?" Stan asked, casually cool in the name of being honest.

The Losers erupted into cackling laughter, everyone clutching their stomachs whilst Stan smirked and raised one eyebrow as Bill slung an arm over his broad shoulder to congratulate him at his successful attempt  at humour.

"Cmon! You should all grow up!" Richie tutted, running a finger over his teeth to collect any crisp debris and popping it into his mouth, shaking his head. Stanley's smirk returned monotonous at Richie's sarcastic remark.

"You're so funny I can hardly contain myself." Stan spoke flatly, his face plain.

"Fuck off Stan! I'm the funniest guy in Derry!"

The Losers just laughed harder. Even Stan saw the look on Richie's face and joined in with the giggles. Soon everyone was laughing, clutching their bellies and slapping their thighs.

I love my friends.

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