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Eddie Kasbrak slept well that night. A velvety sleep, quite refreshing. A sleep entwined with more dreams. Dreams about Richie. But this time the dream didn't end before he was kissed.

Eddie woke, just as the summer birds starting their rise and shine song and as the early morning sunlight filtered through his curtains. Eddie rolled over in his bed, his eyes cracking open slightly staring down at the patches of sunlight that littered his floor, a sleepy smile etched on his sleepy face.

Vivid images from the night before dream floated through his refreshed mind, making Eddie's heart flutter and his cheeks blush.

There it was again.

I love you!

The feeling that was all too familiar.

Eddie didn't mind that he was in love. Love was not as cruel as his townsfolk had made it out to be. Love was heartbreaking but always and forever worthwhile. Love could take you anywhere.

That summer morning after a night of tears, love was taking Eddie to Richie's bedroom.

Eddie suddenly felt an urge awaken from the depths inside of him. A sensual, unheard-of urge.

An urge that pulled Eddie from beneath his creased bedsheets, smoothing them out neatly.

An urge that opened Eddie's curtains for him, the sunlight soaking him with pleasure, no worries about skin cancer at all.

An urge that pulled Eddie into the Kasbrak's bathroom and filled the porcelain washbasin for him, with sweetly warm, soapy water.

An urge that jammed Eddie's toothbrush into his tingling mouth, making him check the mint of his breath twice.

An urge that changed Eddie into a clean, fresh-smelling set of clothes - a yellow, graphic tee and black sports shorts, (his favourite pair).

An urge that brushed Eddie's hair for him, smoothing it out neatly.

An urge that made Eddie's feet sink into his sneakers.

An urge that planted a deep, indescribable excitement in the depths of his heart.


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