Richie Tozier slid through Eddie's half-open window, as Eddie hissed at him, nervous that his mother would discover Tozier in her sons bedroom. As Richie squeezed his legs through that last slit of the open window, Eddie felt his heart flutter. He yearned to have that closeness with him again. Just like this morning...

"Jesus fuck, Eds. That's my workout for this week." Richie whispered to him, a familiar smile playing on his lips. Eddie returned this smile and settled onto his bed, next to him. Richie's eyes flickered to meet the softness of Eddie's bare neck, Richie stared at it for a while, the fluttering butterflies swarming in his stomach. Eddie felt Richie's stare and blushed a bright pink as he turned to face him with nervous eyes.

"Rich...I think my mom suspects something." Richie's face changed and he tore his glance from Eddie, his shining eyes staring at his shoes.

"She's been acting weird all day. Weirder than usual." Eddie threw Richie a nervous glance, his palms sweating.

"Say something already, dumbass!" Richie met Eddie's exasperated expression, a worried gloss over his deep brown eyes. Eddie's eyes slipped to stare at Richie's neck, where his Adams Apple was pulsing nervously.

"What the fuck does that mean Ed's?" Richie took Eddie's hand in his and gave it an encouraging squeeze. "Hell, what sorta weird?"

"She's been asking about you. A lot. And I swear to god, Richard Tozier, if you decide to make a stupid mom joke....I will lose my shit." Eddie's voice was clearly rattled with heavy emotion. He was scared. Of his own mother. Richie felt himself being slammed against the wall of reality as Eddie's words hit him hard. Damn, what were they thinking? They thought that they could carry on...with each others tongues down each others throats and no one would notice? How could they be so fucking dumb?!

"I'm sorry Eddie." Richie's voice cracked slightly and he blushed a deep scarlet. His eyes were sparkling with tears or not, Eddie couldn't tell. He felt his heart wobble as he watched Richie's mask crack. Eddie felt his hands slip up onto Richie's hot cheek, the touch and the closeness making him and Richie's bodies relax.

"It's not your fault she's suspicious, Rich. I don't care what anyone says, okay? I don't fucking care. I love you. And no one can make me stop loving you." Eddie could feel his body loose with high emotions, tears brimming with his connections. Richie stared at Eddie for a while, his eyes melting into his. The feeling flooded back with familiar strength. 'I love you Eddie Spaghetti'

Richie pulled Eddie gently into the softness of the kiss. He felt his eyes flutter shut from the bliss of it all. Eddie suddenly grasped Richie's cheek, lips still holding lips. Richie felt his hand slip onto Eddie's waist, comfortably. The two boys stayed like that for a while, simply enjoying eachother whilst they could be alone. Eddie could feel himself slowly pull from Richie's wet, sweet lips, his eyes still shut and his forehead leaning against Richie's. A satisfied sigh escaped Richie's lips. God, he wanted more. He knew that he shouldn't want more, but he still thought it.

Richie sighed pleasantly again before pulling Eddie into his kiss again. This time when the boys lips touched the kiss seemed more desperate and vigorous. Richie held on tight to Eddie's lips, pushing in deeper, his tongue touching Eddie's for a small second, Eddie's touching back. As the kiss was held, both boys, tongues almost down eachothers throats, Richie felt his hands travel up to meet Eddie's hair. That silky, silky hair that he loved to stroke so dearly. Richie felt himself relax and sink deeper into the firm mattress of Eddie's bed, Eddie's moving with Richie, still kissing him with deep passion.

As Richie sunk onto his bed, lips still connected with Ed's, he was suddenly fully aware that Eddie's body was sinking into his own. Fully aware, but definitely not complaining. The feeling was immaculate and Richie wanted more. Eddie wanted more. Eddie felt his waist settle comfortably against Richie's heaving stomach as he gripped onto Richie's cheek firmly. Richie could feel his breath escaping him. He pulled away softly, a pleasant lip-smacking click sounded as the two boys lips disconnected. Eddie's eyes were still closed, still held in the past bliss, a small, pleasantly-satisfied gasp running from his lips. Richie felt the blood rush to his head as it flopped against Eddie's pillows. Hm. They smelt nice. Just like him. Richie breathed in deeply, the smell curling up his nostrils. His heart hammered in his chest and he felt so swollen. Good swollen. 'Holy fuck, Richie, please don't tell me you've got...'

His thoughts were stopped as Eddie breathed shakily, his breath heavy and soft. A pleasantly-satisfied sigh ran from his newly-wetted lips as he sunk down onto the warmth of Richie's heavy chest, his head settling there.

"That was good, huh?"

"So good." Richie felt his heavy eyes meet the sweet flesh of Eddie's neck. His stomach lurched thoughtfully was he learnt towards it, planting a delicate kiss there. Just as Richie felt his eyes fall heavy he felt Eddie push himself up from Richie's body, his chestnut, wavy locks slightly out of place. And an odd expression brimming on his face.

"What was that...?"

"What was what, Eds?"

"What you just did...kiss me there."

"Oh. Affection."

Eddie stared at Richie for a while, his face tensing. Richie could feel Eddie's weight on his stomach, but there was no pressure there. Richie's eyes scanned Eddie's face thoughtfully, trying to read his emotions. Eddie really did look like he was angry then. His cheeks flushed and his body slipped of Richie's. Sitting up on the edge of his bed, staring down at the floor stonily, Richie sat up too, adjusting his glasses.

"Is that not okay?"

"No. No it wasn't Richie." Silence settled over the boys like fog settling on a graveyard. With a sigh Richie pushed himself up from Eddie's bed, running his fingers through his hair.

"I just figured that since we legit just made out for like 5 minutes-"

"Do it again."

"What?" Richie turned to see Eddie, breathless, his hand rubbing where Richie's lips had touched his neck.

"I said do it again dumbass. I liked it." Richie face flooded with a smile as he knelt down in front of the sitting Eddie and gently pulled the side of his neck down towards his lips, his heart jumping inside his chest and that sweet swollen feeling returning. Richie kissed Eddies neck again, softly, then again more determined and sure. Eddie let out a content sigh, his head lolling backwards in respond to Richie's kisses. Richie pulled away and grinned at the gazing Eddie, who looked as if he had just been pulled from a very pleasant dream.

"Hey Ed's. Guess what?"

"What Trashmouth?"

"I think we lowkey just found your sweet spot." Eddie smiled dreamily as he clambered up from the bed, his shaky hand still resting on his neck, rubbing it gently. Richie grinned.

"I'm glad I'm the one who helped you find it." Eddie turned to face him, pulling himself into Richie's body once more, kissing him delicately on the lips.

"Buh-bye Rich."

"Bye Ed's."

And then, he was gone, slipping out of Eddie's window into the warm summer evening. Leaving Eddie tingling all over, still clutching his neck, wishing Richie could kiss him again.

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