Ghost of Budogaoka school

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"This is a true story from about 10 years ago." Okuyasu suddenly starts making the two boys look at him confusedly. "There was once a girl at this school who was an excellent piano player. She was hoping to rank highly in an upcoming competition, so she practiced fervently with the music teacher's guidance. They say her piano music filled the halls everyday after class. But, on the day of the competition, she got in a terrible car crash." You make a crashing sound. Josuke looks at you weirdly.

"Although she survived, her hands were paralyzed, and she could never play the piano ever again. The poor girl was driven to despair. Then, one rainy day..."

You let out a yell, startling the other two, and Okuyasu gives you a grin, "She jumped out the window of the music room and killed herself. A few days later, the music teacher was working late one night, when suddenly he heard the sound of a piano coming from somewhere. It sounded just like that girl, so the startled teacher went to check, but..."

"Baaaang!!!" You and Okuyasu yell together in unison.

"The performance ended with a crash. And suddenly, ding ding ding ding! The phone on the desk started ringing. When the teacher frightfully answered the phone, out from the receiver came..." Okuyasu narrows his eyes, pausing for dramatic effect.

"Dip...drip..." You imitate the sound of rain.

"It was the sound of raindrops pattering lightly somewhere... and then soon after he heard a voice..."

"Let... me... play.. piano...." You say in a low and creepy voice.

"S-stop that, Okuyasu, Senpai!!" Koichi says with a quivering voice.

"What's wrong with you two?! Don't start telling ghost stories for no reason!!" Josuke glares at the two of you.

"How was that? Got some pretty nice atmosphere going, right?" Okuyasu laughs.

"Got that niiiicee atmosphere."You chuckle.

"That wasn't 'pretty nice'! I was really scared!" Koichi exclaims.

"Yeah, I'll give you that. With your storytelling skills and Senpai's ridiculously real sound effects is something else." Josuke sighs.

"Thanks man!" The two of you laugh.

"But, it's not as ridiculous as you think, Josuke. Word is, this story turned out to be true." Okuyasu tells and you and you nod your head in agreement.



"Two days ago, I think his name was Owada or something? Anyway, one of the third-years, he forgot some stuff at school, so he went back at night to go get it. When he did, however, he heard someone playing the piano. And what's more, the phone by the main entrance suddenly started ringing! He was too scared to pick up the phone, so that voice going..." Okuyasu looks at you.

"Let me play the piano!!" You say creepily.

"...Didn't come on, though." Okuyasu shrugs.

"R-really?" Koichi furrows his eyebrows.

"You don't really belive that, do you?" Josuke asks with a frown. "Someone just happened to be staying after school to play piano, and someone just happened to call the wrong number, that's all."

"Oh, come on!! I only mentioned this because we agreed to keep each other updated if any weird stuff happened!" Okuyasu pouts.

"When I said weird stuff, I meant anything that might have to do with Stand users. I don't really care about any gho-"

"Wait a sec, Josuke." Koichi cuts Josuke off.

"While it's true that we're looking for a Stand user, and ghosts are completely unrelated to that, it might be like the thing with Reimi that happened a while back." Koichi says seriously.

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