2.New faces And... UA

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(A month after Neo started)
(Y/n) pov
Today I was serving two new customers one of which was a boy with a scar on his head and a girl with, bamboo in her mouth?.
"Hello, welcome to our cafe parlour what could I get you?"
I greeted them.
"Hello, do you do herbal teas here" he asked to which I nodded"Nice and what do you want Nezuko"
"Huhufph" she muffled and I just stood there not understanding a word.
"She said she'll just take a strawberry cake" he said.
"OK got it" I said then left to fetch it,when I got back I asked"Not to sound rude but how did you understand her? "
" Ah, Nezuko's mute I can understand sign language but mostly I use my quirk telepathy to understand her"
"That's cool I have a friend who's mute but she creates illusionary signs to talk, but why the bamboo? "
"Its just cause she likes it" he told me. After chatting for a while they had to leave. I learned why tanjiro doesn't use his quirk to become a hero because of his leg, he told me he got in a car accident that broke it.

The following weeks Nezuko keep coming in becoming a regular bringing her friends from time to time. That's how I met Kanao, Shinobu, Mitsuri,Zenitsu, Inosuke who was very blunt,aswell as others. Although Emily kept pointing out that the girls seemed to be fixated on me.

(A month later)
Me, Neo and Touka had gone to the bank to withdraw some money when some punks came with weapons shouting at everyone to stay put.
"Everyone get down this is a bank robbery, you move well shoot you or worse".
One of them walked up to me and hit Touka to the ground.
"Hello gorgeous, let's make this easy and give me everything you have or your friend gets her pretty face sprayed on the wall".
"You think I'll give you anything after hitting someone I care about?. Well fuck you" I shouted putting my hood on before teleporting behing him using one of my quirks.
I grabbed his arm and pointed the gun at his friend and shot him in the leg.
"Ahh, you idiot" one them shouted before aiming at me, I teleported to him and used his gun to shoot the other gun then forced him to shoot himself. One of them jumped at me growing blades out of arms and swung at me. I kicked him in the gut then punched in the head then kicked him knocking him out.
Then I felt like a dump truck hit me as was flying through the window. "You really are annoying so I'm gonna squash you like a bug" he said before growing to ten time my size with huge armoured muscles, then he charged right at me I barely dodged it but he was faster than he looks because he grabbed me and dragged me across the road then tossed me on the ground.

Neo pov
I heard a scream of pain as we saw (y/n) get dragged across the ground and tossed on the ground the guy picked up a car obviously going to crush her so while he was looking away i created an illusion to give her a second to catch her breath.

'Thanks Neo' I thought as he attack the illusion giving me enough time to teleport to a safe distance from him my chest really hurt I think he cracked my ribs.
"You nead to use it, it probably won't kill him but if you don't risk it hell crush you" Scarlett said.
"Nice to know you still here, but yeah I don't have a quirk better to deal with him and I can't punch him hes rock solid and my kagune would bounce off him.
" Sigh, hey blockhead over here" I shouted at him I needed him away from everyone because I can't control this right.
Like I thought he just charged after me and away from everyone else.
"Okay here goes nothing, Black lighting" I shouted as a dark bolt came down and struck the monster and I screamed in pain because it done a number on my hand charing it and my hood fell off my head.
I managed to knocked him out and he srunk to normal size I could hear people celebrating and police sirens in the back. 'I need to go I used my quirk illegaly' I picked myself up and gave a signal to Touka and Neo and started running away.

Touka's pov
Me and Neo both finally got back to the apartment and Neo rushed in to the living room just as I closed the door I heard something hit the ground,and I saw (y/n) pining Neo to the ground trying to bite her. I ran over and tackle her off and I looked at her eyes turned into ghoul ones she started struggling even unleashing her wing even though it was really small. "Neo grabbed one of the emergency packs" I told her as she ran off and came back giving it to me but even when putting it in her face (y/n) wanted fresh meat from Neo"Go into the bathroom and lock the door NOW!!!! " I shouted before feeling a sharp pain on my shoulder she was digging herself on me.
As I heard the door shut I fought with her a bit more before shoving the flesh down her throat.
(A moments later)
She'd calmed down and was sleeping now I went to fetch Neo" I think it's over geez"
"Why was she so rabid and desperate to eat me" she asked.
"Didn't you used to say she could eat you if she wanted to" I joked trying to lighten the mood. "But being serious, ghouls go into a depraved state when starving and normally would rather eat a live person to a dead one I don't know why. She went even more insane than either of us have, probably because she was still healing she obviously had more internal damaged than external. She even tried eating me because I was the next best thing because she couldn't see the meat in my hand". I explained

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